Getting injured while exercising may get you eye rolls or shaking heads from people around you. If they know you love to exercise, they may assume you know what to do and not to do to stay safe all the time.

The thing is that injuries can happen in and out of the gym, regardless of how hard you prepare. The best thing you can do is to cut your risk of getting them as much as possible. 

How? By sticking to the best practices of regular exercise. 

Exercise is a great way to stay active and keep your mind, body, and self-esteem at their peak. But it’s essential to do it in a way that doesn’t become detrimental to you. For example, when your leg starts going numb, you shouldn’t push yourself even further to make up for the momentum you lost during an interval. Instead, listen to your body and check it out.

Your leg numbing could be the first note of a pinched nerve. Or it could be a serious cramp that needs some proper handling to relieve. Fortunately, there are a ton of solutions you can rely on to get relief. For example, working with a chiropractic helps beat numbness and loss of range of motion.

To avoid having troubles like these as an exercise buff, start by following these six precautions.

  1. Start Slowly

If you haven’t been active for a while or are switching to a new routine, start small. Then, you can gradually build up the intensity and duration of your exercises. This lets you avoid injuries and allow your body to adapt to the new demands you’re placing on it. 

Starting slowly also allows you to assess what you can take. This way, you are conscious of where you are in terms of progress.

  1. Wear Appropriate Clothing And Footwear 

Put on clothing that allows easy movement and shoes suited for the activity you’re doing. This will help you stay comfortable and prevent injuries. 

Moisture-wicking clothes are always recommended. They draw sweat away from your skin and bring it to the surface, allowing you to stay cool. Meanwhile, the appropriate pair of shoes support your feet and prevent slips and sprains.  

  1. Stay Hydrated 

It’s essential to stay hydrated, especially when you’re doing something that makes you sweat a lot. So, drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout. 

Never risk getting dehydrated. You can get dizzy, have low blood pressure, and feel nauseous. In extreme cases, heat stroke can happen. You also become more prone to accidents in this state. Always bring a container of water with you, whether you go to the gym, the park, the track, or your exercise spot at home.

For high-intensity workouts, sports drinks are your best bet since they replenish lost electrolytes. Coconut water also does the same. It’s 94% water, low fat, and loaded with many nutrients, including antioxidants.

  1. Use Proper Form 

Make sure you use proper form when you’re exercising. This means keeping your back straight, your shoulders relaxed, and your head up. It also means engaging the right muscle group for the exercises you’re doing. 

When you have proper form, your energy goes to movements that efficiently use muscles you want to tone. This keeps you from exerting yourself without getting results. Plus, the proper form makes it easier for you to breathe, which means you can keep going without tiring quickly.  

  1. Warm Up And Cool Down 

Always warm up before exercising, then cool down after. Doing these things will help you avoid injuries and makes your workout more effective.  

Warming up prepares your body for the activity by increasing blood flow to your muscles and raising your core temperature. Start slowly, then build gradually. This way, you don’t end up tiring yourself before starting. Stretching, isolations, and a quick jog usually work.

  1. Listen To Your Body 

Set manageable expectations, and don’t push your body to the limit. Be mindful of your internal and external sensations, and don’t ignore any pain or soreness you feel. If you think you have over-exerted yourself, you can always adjust the intensity or duration of your routine.   

Stay On Track With These Tips 

Following your workout routine is always something to strive for. But can you keep that up if your body ends up breaking down? Pay attention to yourself, and know that proper recovery is just as essential to reaching your fitness goals as a full-on commitment. Don’t just work hard. Work smart!

These are just a few things you can do to avoid injuries during exercise. Talk to experts to learn more.