Supplements are a great way to complement your workout, but you need to learn how to navigate the tsunami-like wave of options available. If you’ve been staring at Google, after searching “which workout supplements do I need?”, but you were left puzzled – you’re not alone. Below, we’ll let you know how to reduce your available options and choose a workout supplement. 

Does It Match Your Goals?

Everyone has different motivations for working out: are you looking to get stronger, fitter, slimmer, or a mixture of these? There are many different types of supplements out there with potentially numerous health benefits – some work to make you stronger, some to boost your stamina, and others to replace your minerals and vitamins. After you’ve worked out what your fitness goals are, you can narrow down the supplement options. 

Do You Need to Adjust Your Current Diet?

When deciding to add supplements to your diet, you need to take a look at what’s already going in. For example, if you eat healthily and you’re already packing in plenty of fruit and vegetables, you won’t need to take supplements to boost your vitamin and mineral intake. Although these are essential for your body, too many of them can be detrimental. 

Think Branding

Buying branded supplements is different from going out and investing in a $2,000 Prada handbag. After all, if you use knockoff clothes, they’re less likely to cause you harm. Whereas, if you choose lesser-known supplement brands, you run the risk of adverse side effects. 

Different brands of the same supplement will likely contain slightly contrasting ingredients, which can change the way it affects your body. Therefore, once you’ve narrowed your choices down to a handful of reputable brands, give them a try to find out which works for you. 

Carry Out Research

After considering your options, you will have cut the available market down considerably. However, even within the same category of supplements, there are countless products available. Therefore, you will need to carry out further research. The more knowledge you have, the more likely you are to find a supplement that suits you. 

Read Reviews

Luckily, we live in a society where every opinion about a company can be aired out online for all to see. With this in mind, you should check out the reviews from places like TrustPilot, which allows businesses a great platform to collect consumer opinions. Reading the opinions of people that have already used the supplement will easily narrow your choices down further, but you need to consider all of the opinions. Further, keep in mind that the majority of people only leave reviews online when they have a grievance, despite the worth of positive comments to all businesses.     

Consult A Doctor

The majority of supplements will be safe to use, considering you’ve conducted thorough research. However, it’s always a good idea to consult a doctor before you start using them. After all, they may contain ingredients that will mess with any medication you take. Supplements exist to make us feel healthier, so there’s no point in taking them just to feel worse. If you’d rather not waste your doctor’s time with an appointment, you can try and ask the question over the phone. 


Whether you’re looking to fit into the summer wedding dress or bulk up to flex your muscles in a tank top, supplements are a great way to complement your workout. Before investing, you need to understand your goals, know the top brands, and understand what each ingredient does through thorough research. Then, you can consult your doctor and watch the benefits take hold.