9 Advanced Tactics for Promoting Your Youtube Channel

Once you have decided to be a full-fledged YouTuber with a dedicated fanbase, you have to put in the effort to promote your Youtube channel in various ways. As competitions are high, you have to consider conventional and non-conventional methods for your medium to succeed. Youtube paid promotion is a great way to boost your channel, but other effective methods are available that do not cost a single penny.

Learn more about nine advanced tactics for promoting your youtube channel –

1. Create a Custom Thumbnail that the Viewer is Drawn 

Custom thumbnails that grab viewers’ attention right away are preferable as today’s audiences’ attention span is lower than 5 seconds. It is why short videos like youtube shorts do well on this platform. However, do not use clickbait to attract an audience because it will backfire, and your video will get reported.

Keep these suggestions in mind while developing your custom thumbnail –

  • Your youtube thumbnail’s resolution should be 1280 x 720, and the width should be a minimum of 640 pixels.
  • Only images formats of.JPG, .GIF, .BMP or .PNG are allowed.
  • The size limit should not be more than 2 MB.
  • 16:9 is the standard ratio for the youtube thumbnail.

2. The Title of Your Videos has to be Irresistible

At first glance, the Audience will either decide to watch or not watch your videos judging by your thumbnail and the title. So the title is the second most important thing to be noticeable to the Audience. Your title should include what your video is about, but you need to put it in words that make it more fascinating.

3. Target Video Results from Google by Using Search Keywords

You can use video SEO optimization techniques. It improves your ranking of the video but has a lasting impact on the orders of your video. You have to do keyword research with the help of SERPs, i.e., reverse engineering of google’s search engine result pages.

Your responsibility is to find the keywords that help serve the most video results. These keywords will improve your youtube videos‘ search ranking.

4. You should Incorporate Calls to Action

Instruct your Audience in your video:

Direct host mention is when the presenter talks to the viewer directly and tells them what to do next. Saying things like “let us know your views on the matter in the comment section” is an example of direct host mentions mephimmy.

Always add end-cards:

End-card appears at the end of the youtube video to let the Audience know what other videos you have on your channel might be interesting. You can select the videos that your Audience might find exciting or go for the most popular video on your channel to appear on the end card. End cards will likely give you more views as people interested in your content will wish to see what other videos you have created.

Video descriptions are just as important:

You can put your other youtube video links or your social media account links. Then, if the person is interested in them, they will click on it, giving you either more views or more followers or both.

5. Let Other People Embed your Videos

While uploading, it always allows embedding your videos which lets other people republish your video on their channel, website, or blog. It helps you to gain more exposure from various sources.

To allow embedding on your videos, you need to –

  • Go to video manager
  • Click edit under the video you want to enable embedding.
  • Go to advanced settings.
  • Click the checkbox beside the allow embedding box.

Always specify to the publishers that they must give you credits if they are publishing your work.

6. Make Sure to Cross-Promote your Channel Everywhere Like an Expert

Business Computing World suggests that cross-promoting is a valuable tool when you do it right. Incorporating your videos into blogs, other social media platforms, email signatures, and email newsletter is vital when promoting your videos. You would be surprised to know the power of cross-promotion. However, as many people tend to avoid this method, you will likely get greater attention.

Ensure that your youtube channel promotion is relevant to your concept or theme.

7. Creating Playlists are Very Effective

Creating a playlist with your videos makes it easier for other people to find it and boosts your search rankings. In addition, the playlist automatically plays the videos one after the other, and it will increase your view count as the user won’t even have to click on the avple video.

You can include other interesting popular videos that are not produced by you but are there to hold the viewer’s attention for a longer time. It will result in you getting subscribers who search for popular videos. They might end up watching your content too.

8. Be Consistent in Uploading Regular Videos

When you are consistent, your Audience will likely stick around for the regular content upload. But unfortunately, even big-league YouTubers sometimes suffer from a lack of consistency in their uploads.

Upload video series will keep the people expecting a similar video, and when they know that you are consistent, your chances of getting more subscribers are high.

9. Increase Engagement with the Audience

People like to interact with the creators they want, so finding ways to reach them in the comment section or other methods is remarkably effective. Even simple words of gratification on your part will make your Audience sympathetic towards you, and your fandom will become more dedicated.

  • Engaging more with the viewers or other YouTubers
  • Responding to comments
  • Collaborating with others
  • Keeping up with relevant content
  • Subscribing to other YouTubers
  • Holding contests for your Audience
  • Making response videos

All these methods are great ways to be more engaging with the public. You can also opt for paid youtube promotion. You can get a vast reach that will help increase your views count and subscriber count.