There are hundreds of reasons people undergo a facelift procedure. Some patients want to improve their appearance, while others seek relief from medical issues, such as drooping eyelids or sagging skin around the mouth and neck.  

You can also combine facial rejuvenation with other cosmetic surgeries, such as rhinoplasty, liposuction, and brow lift procedures, to achieve even better results.

Since a facelift is an extensive surgery, it takes your body time to recover fully. Fortunately, there are simple changes you can make to speed up recovery after a facelift.

Eat Healthy Foods

After getting a facelift, your body is in recovery mode. This means you must ensure that you eat food high in protein, vitamins, and minerals. Several great food choices to eat would be chicken, fish, and low-fat dairy products like yogurt. 

You should also try eating food high in Omega 3 fatty acids, such as flaxseed oil or salmon. Other good nutrients for your skin include antioxidants, fibre, Calcium, and Vitamin C.

Stay Hydrated

During your recovery, you’ll need to drink plenty of water to help flush out any toxins released during surgery. This can also help reduce swelling and pain, especially in the lower part of your face. To keep yourself hydrated during this time, try to avoid alcohol and soft drinks. Both contain diuretics that speed up the elimination of fluids from your body and will make it harder for you to stay adequately hydrated.

Relax and Ease Tension

You will want to relax as much as possible. Avoid stressful situations and negative people. You should also steer away from activities that might cause you to overexert yourself or do anything that will cause pain, like lifting heavy objects. 

You may want to take care of things around the house or make your food, but these activities can be dangerous for someone recovering from a facelift procedure. If you have a caregiver helping with meals, cleaning, and doing other household tasks, it’s best if they handle these things. This way, you don’t unnecessarily strain your body during recovery.

Get Plenty of Sleep

It’s essential to get plenty of sleep after a facelift. The body needs rest to heal, and sleep is when it does most of its repairing. Sleep helps with healing because it allows your body to relax. Your muscles can rest, which decreases muscle tension and reduces swelling.

Follow Post-Surgical Instructions

Once you have completed your facelift procedure, it’s crucial to follow your surgeon’s instructions. The first few days after surgery are critical. Ask questions or clarifications if something is bothering you. 

Call your cosmetic surgeon immediately if you feel any kind of pain or have a fever. Do not try to do any heavy lifting, driving or other strenuous activity until instructed by your doctor.

Take Resting Seriously

Facelift recovery takes time. Aside from following your doctor’s post-operative instructions, you should get plenty of rest, eat healthy food rich in antioxidants, and stay hydrated. These things will help your body recover faster and more efficiently after a facelift.