Motorcycle accidents are one of the deadliest on the roads. An increasing number of motorcycle accident victims suffer traumatic brain injury due to the force of impact from the accident and the severity of fall after impact. In 2019, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that motorcyclists were 29 times likelier to be killed in accidents and four times likelier to be injured than vehicle occupants. The shocking statistics beg a look into head injury, especially as it is the leading cause of fatalities and disabilities in motorcycle crash victims.

The Beach Injury Lawyers, LLC, a top personal injury law firm representing accident victims, sheds more light on brain injury from motorcycle accidents and what victims should do.

Common Types of Brain Injuries Caused by Motorcycle Accidents

Medical reports and research over the years have shown some brain injuries to be more common than others in motorcycle accident victims. They include;

Concussion: Concussions are caused by sudden movements from a direct or indirect blow to the head during an accident. This is one of the commonest types of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Mild concussions may heal, while some don’t. On the other hand, serious concussions may leave accident victims with lifetime disabilities and difficulties.

Contusion: Direct impact to the head during a motorcycle accident can lead to bruises or contusions. These bruises can cause bleeding on the brain and may require surgical intervention to remove large contusions.

The coup-contrecoup injury occurs when a victim suffers contusions on both sides of the brain. It is often common when victims suffer harder falls or impact to the head during a motorcycle accident.

Diffuse axonal injury: This is common in accidents that happen at high speed. It is characterized by the movement of the head but not the brain. The head’s movement causes tears in nerve tissues connecting the brain to the body, causing a release of certain chemicals that may further complicate the injury. This injury requires immediate attention and may lead to short or long-term impairment.

Penetration injury: A penetration injury occurs when the motorcycle rider hits their head on a sharp or blunt object that pierces and breaks through the skin and skull. The severity of this injury depends on the penetration extent and its effect on the brain.

Signs of a Traumatic Brain Injury After a Motorcycle Accident 

It is advised that accident victims seek immediate medical attention after being involved in an accident. Whether you have or not, some of the common signs indicative of a traumatic brain injury include the following;

  • Persistent or degenerating headache
  • Blurred vision or tunnel vision
  • Slurred speech
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Lightheadedness and dizziness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sensitivity to sound and light
  • Numbness in hands, fingers, legs, or toes
  • Ringing in ears, etc.

Motorcycle accidents may also lead to temporary or permanent TBI symptoms like;

  • Anxiety or depression
  • Memory loss
  • Loss of taste, vision, or smell
  • Poor behavioral and emotional regulation
  • Increased impulsivity
  • Communication difficulty
  • Degenerating motor functionality and more.

What to Do After Suffering a Brain Injury in a Motorcycle Accident

Brain injury and its effects can impact a victim’s life in the short and long run. It is important to take the right steps to ensure protection, especially if another party caused the accident. As a motorcycle accident victim who has suffered a brain injury, do these;

Seek Medical Help Immediately 

It is important to seek medical help immediately after your involvement in any road accident, including a motorcycle accident. Your doctor will thoroughly check and note the injuries you’ve sustained. They will also determine the right medical interventions to manage your accident injuries.

Getting immediate medical attention is important for your health and personal injury claim. The documented injuries can be used when filing a claim against the at-fault party’s insurer.

Contact Your Insurance Provider

Generally, you should seek medical attention and contact your insurance provider within 24 hours of your accident. However, in severe cases, you can contact the insurance provider later.

Speaking to your insurer prepares them to update their record and offer any assistance covered under your insurance policy.

Speak to a Personal Injury Lawyer

The dynamics of a personal injury case can be challenging to face alone. It may be impossible to chase down a personal injury claim while you’re recuperating. Hiring a personal injury lawyer gives you a better chance of pursuing your claim and avoiding the common mistakes that could jeopardize your claim.

Your personal injury lawyer will investigate and collect evidence, tutor you on answering insurance adjusters’ questions, represent you during negotiations, and work towards getting you the maximum possible payout for the damages suffered.