December to February – it’s snow time! 

Winter is equivalent to playing with the snow for our furry friends and us. But from thinking of holding your dogs in-house for a cozy shelter to keeping them worn warm clothes, you should buy a pet carrier online to ensure your pet’s safety and comfort in the winter season while taking him to walk around.

Agreed, dogs have natural fur coats to protect them from the grievous cold. However, it does not mean that you leave them high and dry when the temperature drops. Also, it is the time when besides cuddling up, your dog needs a little extra care from their parents. Also, you can prefer quality Dog Food to do perfect care of your dog.

The first step toward a healthy and happy dog is to start feeding one from the moment they’re born. To thrive and reach their full potential for growth, development, and learning, pups require a high-quality diet. click here for more information.

So, here’s the list of the best tips you can implement this winter for your dog care. Have a look.  

1. Wrap Your Fur Baby in Woolens

There are multiple dog accessories like boots, scarves, and hats to keep your dog warm. Also, nothing works best as woolens do. Like you need your coats and boots before stepping out in the snow, so do your dogs and cats. You will find umpteen dog jackets, sweaters, coats, and hoodies both online and offline in a myriad of designs and patterns. Not only will these woolens keep your furry friend in style, but also be warm and safe. So if you want this winter to be friendly for your fur pup, wrap them in woolens throughout. 

2. Limit The Outdoor Playing Time

Thanks to the dense fur coat of a few breeds that keep them protected out there in the brutal cold. However, some dogs are not equally blessed. So for your dog’s winter safety, limit his outdoor spending time. You can start by changing his walk time from early morning to brunch time or late in the afternoon when the sun is bright. Plus, if your dog wants to play for some more time, be with him, wipe away the snow, and you both return to the house together later. 

3. More Food Maintains Dog Health in Winter – But No Overfeeding!

Your dog might need extra energy to burn to keep himself warm during the winter. So channelize an additional food supply (especially protein boosters) for your dog in winters. Moreover, your dog’s coat needs an extra layer of healthy food and not fat. A high-quality, balanced diet, preferably raw meat-based, will help keep the dog coat winter-ready. Also, dogs tend to develop a passive behavior in winters, probably, and whole foods can make them a little more energetic meanwhile. 

4. Prepare a Cozy And Comfortable Bed For Your Dog 

Don’t you love squeezing into your snow-season comforter for the entire night and cuddling? Well, your dog loves that, too. Create cozy bedding for your pooch instead of letting him lie on the cold floor at night. For this, invest in a good dog’s bed.

  • A woolen blanket can create a snug environment; 
  • A raised bed can keep your pup deprived of cold tiles or concrete floors, and 
  • A heated pet bed can help keep immobility away from aging joints. 

Lastly, put the dog’s bed in a carpeted area every day at the same spot, so he doesn’t feel unfamiliar with his sleeping space. 

5. Keep Your Dog Away From Heaters 

Winter means house heaters ruling the place all over. If you are thinking of placing heaters over your house floors, it is an entirely bad idea while you own a dog. An energetic pup would run a thousand times a day here and there, and he might end up burning from the heater’s contact. 

Therefore, it’s better to install baseboard radiator covers and heat your house every winter. Moreover, open fireplaces are also a constant threat to a moving pet in the place. For his betterment, implement a pet-proof heating system at your fireplace to keep your little pal away from harm.  

6. Say No To Cold Water Baths For a While 

In addition to keeping your dog warm in the bed, you should take care of his bathing water temperature. It is advisable to avoid direct showers or cold water baths when the temperature falls to chilling during winters. Consider the winter atmosphere in your town and accordingly make the water warm or lukewarm before the dog bath. Once done with the bathing, allow your dog to get dry while in the house itself. Running outdoors with a wet coat in winters might bring back several conditions like sniffles, hypothermia, kennel cough, and frostbite. 


Now you know what to do and confirm your pup’s well-being in winters. Besides these, there are a few other things that you can take care of. Like for starters, moisturize your dog’s skin with coconut oil. It is the best moisturizer for dry & flaky skin and cracking tail, ears, or paws. Moreover, you can pay a visit to a veterinarian for your dog’s health checkups. Remember one thing: your dog needs as much attention as you do every season. Therefore, don’t skip anything that might cause your furry pal trouble.