Everything that we do follows a purpose. For instance, about 83% of students get online exam help because they didn’t study for exams and yet need at least the passing scores to get through it. Similarly, education also has certain objectives known as educational objectives. These are detailed descriptions of what students can do by the end of a specific course or learning activity.

Some commonly misunderstood facts about educational objectives:

  • Educational objectives focus more on the intended outcomes and not the process for achieving those outcomes.
  • These are for students.
  • The objectives are specific and measurable.

You may have to write the educational objective in exams. There are online exam help providers that can assist you. However, here are some effective tips in case you want to write it on your own.

How to write educational objectives?

A learning outcome consists of three key components:

  • The behaviour or skill to be developed
  • The situations and circumstances in which the student shall demonstrate the skill
  • The criteria to measure performance

Remember the same while proofreading the copy. Make sure all three components are present in your objectives. Otherwise, you can always get online exam help in case of urgent deadlines. Now let’s take a look at the tips:

  1. Know the level of knowledge required for achieving the objective

You must have thought of something before choosing a specific training program for students. Right? So think about the impact you want this training to make on students. What do you expect your participants to do differently when they resume work? You can divide the domains of learning into three key categories such as:

  • Attitude– This one is usually the hardest element to master when it comes to writing learning outcomes. It deals with feelings, emotions, and attitudes. Attitude is something that changes depending on how one chooses to act.
  • Skills– Focuses on improving the tasks a learner is supposed to perform.
  • Knowledge– Focuses on what participants know. Examples of this level of learning include safety rules, quoting prices, and troubleshooting.

You can opt for online exam help if you find it difficult to identify your perfect level of knowledge.

  • Pick an action verb

By now, you must have identified the domain that needs your undivided attention for your learning objective. Now it’s time for you to craft your objective. This is where the role of an action verb comes into play. An action verb describes the behaviour at an appropriate level of learning. Here are some relevant examples of action verbs for specific domains. Make sure you can measure the verb.

The examples are:


  • Compare
  • Define
  • Discover
  • Explain
  • Label
  • Identify


  • Regulate
  • Align
  • Adjust
  • Calibrate
  • Demonstrate
  • Repair
  • Replace
  • Process


  • Volunteer
  • Advocate
  • Allow
  • Assess
  • Believe
  • Pick
  • Recommend
  • Tolerate
  • Create your objective

You have recognized an appropriate level of knowledge. You are ready with the action verbs. Now all you have to do is string all those ideas together while writing the learning objectives. It is your turn to give the writing a whirl.

  • Check the objective

Every learning objective consists of three key elements- audience, behaviour, condition and degree of mastery. Identify and label the component based on each element. Here is what your learning objective should consist of:

  • Behaviour

Identify what your participants are going to do differently. This is where your action verb prevails.

  • Audience

It is crucial for your objective to identify the people who will benefit from the learning. It usually consists of the word ‘participant’ or ‘learner.’

  • Conditions

This one describes the situation of the participants.

  • Degree of mastery

This one is directly related to the change in behaviour since it stipulates the degree of change.

Label each component in the learning objective to ensure that you didn’t forget anything. Here are some examples to make this point clearer to you.

Example 1

After completing the four-year training program, the learner will be able to list all the 11 steps involved in the design process in order.

In the above example, the behaviour is ‘list all the 11 steps involved in the design process and the degree of mastery is ‘in order.’

  • Repeat the entire process again

You must go through the same process all over again for each objective. Do not stop unless you have enough objectives to measure your performance effectively. Objectives act as checkpoints that help you reach your goal. Make sure you have enough of them so that you don’t get lost. Begin the process keeping in mind what you want to achieve, and then start working backwards accordingly.

Follow these simple steps to write effective learning objectives without any hassle. Go through relevant examples to understand the basic structure of learning objectives.

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy for Writing Learning Objectives

You can write learning objectives better if you have a basic understanding of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Okay, let’s first see in a nutshell what it is all about.

A group of educators start classifying educational goals and objectives in the late 1940s. They wanted to develop a classification system for three domains which were:

  • The cognitive domain (mental skills and knowledge)
  • The affective domain (feelings or emotional skills)
  • The psychomotor (manual or physical skills)

The main thing to learn from the taxonomy is that you can arrange the educational objectives in a hierarchy that moves from more complicated to less complicated levels of knowledge. That means the students need to master the first level before they can proceed to the next.

The original version published consisted of this order:

  • Knowledge
  • Comprehension
  • Application
  • Analysis
  • Synthesis
  • Evaluation

In 2001 however, a revised version was brought forth. The revised one reflected the information gained after the initial version was published. If you have been asked to write about the Bloom taxonomy, you can get online exam help for easy solutions.

How is Bloom’s Taxonomy Connected with Learning Objectives?

Understand the difference between strong action verbs and vague, passive verbs. Remember, the objectives provide a guiding light to class assignments, exams and other course questions.

Wrapping Up,

All in all, the order involved in writing learning objectives is creating, evaluating, analyzing, applying, understanding and remembering. Use the right action verb to convey the outcomes clearly without any loopholes. It takes time to acquire the right skills to write my assignment perfect learning objectives and practice is the only key.