Whether you’re suffering from trauma or you’ve experienced trauma in the past, you’ll need a compassionate approach to help you overcome it. Trauma-informed care is one such approach and can be highly beneficial in your recovery journey.

Trauma healing requires a lot of energy, both mental and physical. So be gentle with yourself and take the time you need to rest when you need it.

Comprehensive Assessment

Assessment is the collection of standardized or informal data to determine an individual’s strengths and needs. It may include a range of measures, including standardized tests, observations, student self-reports, and progress monitoring data from the response to intervention (RTI) approaches.

Teachers can better adapt their education to fit the requirements of their students by identifying learning patterns or areas of understanding that need improvement. Additionally, it helps teachers to speed up learning by utilizing insight-driven instruction and tiers of whole-child support. Click here to learn more about comprehensive assessment.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy lets you discuss your thoughts, feelings, and problems with a professional. A therapist can help you explore your life challenges, identify aspects of yourself that need to change, and provide valuable solutions.

If you’re recovering from trauma, you may be struggling to process what happened to you. Symptoms like flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety can interfere with daily life.

Trauma-informed cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help you manage your symptoms. It can also help you develop new perspectives and disconfirm traumatic beliefs.

Group Therapy

Group therapy brings together several people who share a common goal. Group therapy can be beneficial in learning new coping skills, improving social relationships, or getting help for a particular mental health issue.

In group therapy, members can talk about their problems in an open and empathetic environment with people who have experienced similar issues. It helps them overcome their feelings of isolation and develop a better sense of self-esteem.

Family Therapy

If your family struggles with trauma or a mental health condition, you may want to consider starting a family therapy program. It can help you understand each other better, learn healthier ways to communicate and resolve conflicts and create a sense of togetherness.

Typically, family therapy is short-term and involves sessions with each family member. However, depending on the family’s needs and the therapist’s recommendation, it can continue for months or years.

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy, also known as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), helps you learn new, healthy behaviors that replace old, unhealthy ones. It’s a proven treatment for various psychiatric and physical disorders, including substance use.

Whether your trauma is rooted in childhood or has a current impact, like an illness, counseling can help you overcome it and feel more stable.

Behavioral therapies include exposure therapy, which teaches you how to safely face memories and situations that scare you so you can better manage them. Other treatments include eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). This treatment can help you break up long-standing patterns of distressing behavior.


Psychological trauma can affect a person’s mental and emotional health years after the event that caused it. It can lead to depression, anxiety, dissociation, and intrusive symptoms like flashbacks or nightmares.

A therapist who is trained in trauma therapy can help you overcome this condition and learn new coping skills that will improve your life. They can also guide and advise on managing your emotions while offering empathy and understanding during stressful times.

Counselors use several methods to address trauma, such as eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and trainspotting. These techniques can quickly reduce flashbacks and intrusive memories to allow for better healing.


Trauma can impact your relationship with food, whether it’s through restriction or overeating. It can be linked to feelings of powerlessness or dissatisfaction with your body.

In trauma-informed nutrition, you understand that eating disorders can be linked to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and are empowered to eat nutritiously and recover.