
When you are passionate about helping others and making a change in society to it a better place to live then you need to find various ways that can offer a positive impact on society through your support. Lost of different non-profit organizations are working day and night to help people who are in deep need of help. Connect with such a charity organization to increase the impact of your charity. Marc Kielburger is the founder of WE Charity and is very passionate about helping people who are in need of help. WE Charity proactively and voluntarily submitted themselves to three reviews by some of the most respected voices in Canada in government, law, and forensic accounting.

Here are some tips to decide where to donate:

Pick your passion:

If you want to donate to a charity then the first thing is to find a relevant charity organization. Also, you need to identify the cause that actually fires you up. Ask questions to yourself like- What is the thing that you want to change in this world? What is the reason for your cause?

You need to find the right cause that you’re a passionate about and they try to donate to any organization.

Make sure your charity is legit:

“Charity degrades those who receive it and hardens those who dispense it,” said George Sand, a French novelist, memoirist, and journalist.

Well, after your find your passion towards a social cause, your nest will be to find a charity that can offer you worth for your money. Be aware of scammers and frauds because there are lots of charity scams revolving around us and these scam artists prey on people with good intentions. You will be shocked to know that many charity organizations are not even registered tax-exempt organizations. They are simply there to steal your money.

Watch out for excessive administrative expenses:

This is the most crucial thing to keep track of, when you donate to a non-profit organization then you must make sure that your money will be spent well. A report says that charitable organizations only spent 65% of the donation money for the causes. This means that the remaining 35% of donations are never used for your cause. Try to find an organization that can go beyond this percentage and gives you complete surety that your donation will be used completely to help and support your cause.

Make your money work harder:

Once you have made a couple of donations to a charity then you will get a lot of requests to form various other non-profit organizations.

If you want that your donation should put an impact on society then you should not divert your cause with different organizations. Concentrate on your main non-profit organization to make your donation go more further and can support those people who need help.

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