During winter, people typically run at home where they can be comfortably warm and safe from the cold air. For rodents, winter can be a harsh season, too.

They will need to find shelter and food; however, they do not want to risk being seen by hunters or predators. These reasons are why many rodents like mice and rats will look for homes during the winter months when they can hide under furniture, in walls, Rafters Attic, basements, etc.

Mice are one of the most commonly found animals that people have to deal with in their homes during the wintertime. Mice don’t hibernate but instead seek any warm area inside your home where they can build nests without exposing themselves to the cold weather outside. Because of this behavior, it is important that you take certain preventative measures so you won’t have an infestation come to the springtime.

Here are some wintertime rodent prevention tips:

A Clean Home Repels Pests

Make sure your home is clean and free of any food or water sources that rodents could find attractive. If you have a bird feeder, make sure it’s hung high enough where the mice won’t be able to reach it. You can also wrap the pole in electrical tape or something that will prevent them from climbing up.

Close All Potential Entrances

Seal off all cracks and openings around your home using caulk or steel wool because these are common ways for rodents to enter homes without being spotted by potential predators outside. Also, ensure that no branches are touching your roof since they can help create an entry point for small animals.

Create a Barrier

Use wire mesh fences around the perimeter of your home. The fence should be buried 12″ into the ground, and it should rise 18-24 inches above the ground. This will prevent rodents from being able to burrow under your house.

Use a metal or plastic tube that can surround each pipe that goes into your wall where you have plumbing coming in from outside the house — this is another common way mice enter homes without anyone seeing them come inside. Install any exterior entry points at least 6-12 inches off the ground; also make sure there are no plants growing right next to your home since they may help serve as potential bridges for small animals like mice.

Check Potential Hiding Spots

Crawl around your home on your hands and knees, looking for dark areas where rodents would be able to sneak inside. If you find any openings, stuff them with steel wool or fill them with caulk, so they cannot come in through those specific spots.

Check any area where rodents can hide. Any space that is warm and moist could be harboring a family of mice. These areas include under appliances like your refrigerator, oven, dishwasher and washing machines; around any cracks or openings where siding may be loose or damaged (such as around doors and windows); under sinks where pipes may come through the wall since rodents can chew on them to access water inside your home; in the crawlspace, basement or attic where you have stored anything that might provide a food source (such as firewood, boxes of clothing); and any other small crevices around your home including vents.

Rodents can damage household appliances, including furnaces. If you find yourself having to call furnace repair services in the middle of winter, you should check for the presence of rodents.

Clean Up After Your Pets

Keep pet food inside a sealed container so it won’t be able to attract pests. When your pet is done eating, make sure you clean up any leftover food immediately since it can attract rodents like mice. Keep in mind that if there are ants around the area where your pet eats then this also may signify that there might be nesting bugs nearby.

Signs of Rodents

If you are unsure whether you have a rodent problem in your home, here are some signs that may indicate their presence: droppings, gnaw marks, noises, and nests.

Once you do find rodents, it is important to make sure you take the necessary steps to deal with any infestations. For help with getting rid of rodents, contact a professional exterminator in your area. You can also try strategies to get rid of pests such as using glue boards, snap traps, and rodent poisons.

Rodents are not just unsightly creatures, they pose a number of safety risks to people that need to be considered. Luckily, you can take preventive measures to keep them away from your home this winter.

Meta title:Whar to Do to Prevent Rodents from Spending Winter in Your Home
meta desc: Rodents hide somewhere warm and safe during winter. That makes your home the ideal resting spot for mice and rats to spend the winter in.