Any house can be vulnerable to flooding, caused by internal or external factors within the home. If you live in a flood plain or zone, there is every chance you’ll be affected. 

Some house insurance does not cover flood damages caused by natural disasters flooding but does cover damages caused by careless home factors. 

If you are dealing with flood damage or water removal, contact H&J Long Island Junk Removal of Suffolk County. 

Tips On How To Prevent Your House From Flooding Consider these salient tips to prevent or minimize flooding in your home or office. 

1. Measure The Risk of Flooding 

This can be done by studying the flood map service provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which shows the general flood risk by region. Search your county or community and read reports regarding flooding in the past. FEMA has pointed out four zones with their flood levels. These four zones include; 

● Blue Zones: Regions under this 

zones are likely to experience flooding once every 100 years with a depth of 1.5feets. This is considered a high-risk area, so take the necessary precautions if you’re in this zone. 

● Orange Zones: These are regions having 0.2% of flood risk; they are likely to face flooding once in 500 years. Living in this area requires lower insurance compared to the blue zone, but precautions must be taken. 

● Yellow Zones: The risk of flood under this zone is uncertain, hence the higher the risk. Before buying or renting an apartment in this region, do well to make your findings and get insurance too.

● Blue With Red Stripes: This is a high-risk area surrounded by rivers that serve as drainage for other flood zones. Residents in this zone are expected to acquire an insurance cover and make their homes flood-proof. 

2. Obtain An Insurance 

Owing to the risk of flooding and the changing climatic condition, it is best to insure your property to reduce the impact of flood damages. You should get insurance, at best, before the hurricane season. This hastens the process of purchase. 

3. Clear Waterways and Repair Leaks 

This precautionary step covers external and internal flooding. Your gutter should be kept clean. Take off all leaves and debris to prevent water from rising around your foundation. Place leaf guards at the edges of gutters for easy water passage. Additionally, identify leaks in the toilet, kitchen, or sewage disposal equipment and fix them immediately. 

4. Observe The Grade and Fill In Cracks 

A building should have a slope to avoid waterlogging. Check the soil and use a shovel to align the slope when it rains. Water should be far from the foundation. 

If there are cracks, use a concrete patching paste to fill in. Cracks on the foundation will give access to water and affect the house’s structure. 

5. Keep Appliances Far From The Ground 

In the event of a flood, home appliances, sockets, and switches fixed close to the floor will be affected. Hence, fixing them a few inches above the ground or flood level will be safe and avoid damage. For moveable equipment like dryers, purchasing a pedestal will suffice. 

6. Waterproof Your Valuables 

Some tools and, home appliances, foodstuffs that are not water resistant can be stored in waterproof containers. Aside from that, important documents, money, and passports can be stored in waterproof bags or containers that can withstand flooding.

7. Raise Your Home and Install Foundation Vents 

This works well when the flood level in your area is known. Raise your home on stilts which must be above flood level. Having done this, you’ll also need to install foundation vents that prevent stagnant water during the flood.