Kinky Curly Hair
Kinky Curly Hair

You may have noticed your hair getting dry and brittle with the recent weather. This can be because the winter air is much drier than the air in the summer. But it’s not just from the outside, and your hair will suffer in many ways this winter season.

Whether you are biracial and your hair is more curly or kinky than straight, you will surely have experienced a challenge when managing your hair outdoors. An important part of protecting your hair from the elements is to use products that will protect your hair from the damaging properties of the climate. Several important tips you should use to ensure that your curly hair or curly extensions remains healthy and looks good through a process that involves styling it outdoors.

Learn the Right Brush Technique

Curly hair is often fragile, so brushing it can cause breakage if done incorrectly. The best way to avoid this is by using a wide-toothed comb or pick instead of a brush when detangling your curls. A wide-toothed comb will not only prevent breakage but also help remove any knots in your hair while leaving them intact, so they aren’t pulled out when brushed later on!

Brushing your hair can damage it, but it’s important to keep your curls looking their best. Some people have been taught that brushing curly hair is taboo, but a good brush makes all the difference.

The first thing to do is find a brush with fine bristles and a wide handle so you can get into each curl and distribute the natural oils from root to tip of each strand. Use a wide-tooth comb instead of a brush if you have very tight curls or coily hair.

Avoid Too Much Heat

Too much heat applied to curly hair can lead to breakage and dryness because it can cause the follicles to become brittle and weak over time. If you want to try heat to your curls, then make sure that you’re using products with natural ingredients like coconut oil or jojoba oil, as these will help protect against heat damage by locking in moisture without weighing down your curls!

Curly hair tends to be more fragile than straight hair since more strands are held together by bonds instead of being flat against one another. Curls also tend to be drier than straight hair, so they can be even more prone to breakage when exposed to too much heat.

Kinky curly hair can be a pain to care for, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s crucial to understand that your hair is different from anyone else’s and needs its specific care regimen. If you want to protect your kinky curly hair from the elements, here are some tips:

Don’t Overdo The Products

The first step in protecting your kinky curly hair from the elements is reducing the number of products you apply to it. Too much product can weigh down your curls and cause them to break off. You should also avoid using heavy conditioners or smoothing serums because they will make your curls limp and lifeless.

Use A Protective Style When Possible

If you have long kinky curls, consider wearing them up in a bun or ponytail or passion twist hair when you know there will be rain or humidity in the forecast. This will protect your curls from getting frizzy or tangled up in the wind and keep them out of harm’s way when it comes time for a lightning storm (which is a real danger if you have long hair).


Curly hair requires a lot of extra care. Though they are strong and versatile, they are also fragile and require careful maintenance; otherwise, they can lose their bounce and shine.