University gives tremendous opportunities for self-fulfillment: the question of “what to be” today is not decided in life. And the good news is that our share is no longer determined by education, “division,” and the predetermined year, to the dime in the tribute to the provision of cardinal points, as in the generation of grandparents. We can change and rewrite as much as we want.

How can we prevent stress, which as a result, leads to burnout?

  1. Make it clear what’s important to you.

Often we are so involved in the search for work (money needed!) that we are ready to compromise, forget about their needs, and underestimate them to get the job. Also, if you feel that a university assignment won’t bring you the necessary skills and you can pass it or use services like Essayassistant – consider doing this way. Yes, the university is a time for education, but you’re a grown-up now, si=o you should use your time wisely. 

According to one American survey among HR professionals in 2018, only 15% of applicants talk about such important things for themselves as two weekends, the absence of work calls and leafleting after 6 p.m: 00, the predicted growth of wages, the improvement of the workplace.

If you need to be happy (and efficient!) at work if you want to sit by the window, tell me right away.

If evening time with your family is important to you, tell the employer at the first meeting and make sure he gives you a sympathetic nod.

If the address code is interfering and demoralizing, you should also say so. Everything that can be documented in writing – do it in writing. And do not be ashamed. You spend one-third of your life at work, so ensuring comfort is the main task.

  1. Establish an interval between working and non-working hours. And space.

Even if you are entrenched in your work and it fascinates you so much and drags you so much that the work processes do not end forever, make it so that they would fade away at least for some time. So, no doubt, there is something chic and youthful about working without sleep and rest, and your colleagues and superiors, of course, will appreciate your exploits – but who will need it if, by the end of the experiment, you realize that you do not feel joy from what you create? Or from life in general.

In the last two years, much research has been conducted, proving the importance of mental health on the road to work and back. This is a critical time that gives the brain the ability to switch and go into “home” or “evening” mode. The absence of a “home-work” interval leads to quick withdrawal, psychological disorganization, and even mental discord. It has come to the point that procured companies, whose employees work from home, perform the ritual of “going home from work” and have to walk home—all to switch over and not get lost in the chaos of today’s world.

Do not take a laptop on vacation, do not check your email when you get home, do not put on the earpiece if your colleagues still call you – all companies are beginning to implement a rule with a convoy system of penalties for violations. It’s harder to keep this one when studying at the university. Have you ever thought, “I should pay someone to do my essay to have some time for myself”? If the answer is yes – do it. 

Don’t give up the rituals if the pandemic keeps you in suspense and you continue to work far away. Design a “workplace” in the house, and it does not have to be the dining room table. Before you sit down at the laptop in the morning:

  • Take off your clothes or robe.
  • Get dressed.
  • Comb your hair.
  • When you have finished your work, change back into your home clothes and do not return to the laptop again.
  1. Value your time.

Some studies show that now we have more time than any other time in history. Others mean that we do not know how to use it.

So, in general, we have more time than our grandmothers and grandfathers, but it is divided by day into small pieces. There are two years, ten minutes, and five minutes. 

You already know this without me – we scroll the same Facebook page, the one you’ve read so far. So, first of all, revive your habits that do nothing but consume your time.

Second, come up with a list of helpful, motivational things to do that will lift your spirits, for which nine weeks is enough.

And, of course, the main thing that you can never spend time on, especially in the context of this material, is sleep. Lie down without screens, sleep when you go to sleep, sleep in a dark and cool room, and after waking up, before you go to sleep, loosen up and stretch. And also kiss the one who is sleeping.

What to do if this column has caught you in a state where you are, presumably, already burned out?

The first thing is to know yourself about it. No, I’m not just exhausted. The work has stopped bothering me. I’m a baggy even after employment. Drive was gone from all spheres of life. I do not want anything.

Go on – do something. Go through the points above and find out which ones you can try to “improve” now (I vote for sleep, of course!). Let’s admit that you need to correct your way of life – sometimes to recover from burnout. It is enough to return to drinking beer with your friends on Fridays or start going to the gym again.

Think about what you are most bored with.

It is straightforward to return your interest in your work – guess what you are strong at. What is your biggest motivator? Maybe you’re not very good at communicating with people, but you constantly come up with the most out-of-the-box ideas at brainstorming events. Or, on the contrary – you are not tremendously creative, but you are a genius communicator. I wish that it was, you necessarily have it, and this is your figure must be put on a pedestal. And then make it so that it became three times more than anything else in your work.