Use of staffing applicant tracking software is on the rise. This kind of software helps the hiring manager keep tabs on all applicants for a single position by tracking their eligibility, level of interest, and even whether or not they’re willing to work for below market wages. In most cases, this will be used for non-management positions but it’s also ideal for use by staffing agencies because it allows them to manage their own applicant inventory more efficiently. So how can you benefit from using this type of software? Let’s take a look at what it can do for you and how you can begin using it in your agency immediately.

What is Applicant Tracking Software?

Applicant tracking software helps you keep track of who you’re dealing with when you’re conducting interviews with potential candidates. It’s a really great way to prevent an applicant from going stale because you don’t know who they are or what they’re looking for. It’s a logistic problem in and of itself. You need to track down all the potential candidates you’re interested in and start your interview process from scratch because you may not have already spoken to them before.

How to Use Applicant Tracking Software for Staffing Agencies

The first way that you can benefit from the use of applicant tracking software for staffing agencies is by taking advantage of the many thousands of applicants you manage every year. Using applicant tracking software will make it much easier for you to find the right applicants for the job openings that you have. When you’re dealing with thousands of applicants, it’s difficult to keep up with them all. Luckily, applicant tracking software has made this process a breeze. It allows you to see at a glance who is currently on the hiring team, who has applied for the position, and who you have the option to talk to next. You’ll know right away if a particular applicant is a good fit for the position because they’ll be highlighted in the software as “in” on the job. This is great because it will also let you know whether or not they are actively seeking a new job.

How to Advance Through an Application with Applicant Tracking Software

Another thing that applicant tracking software can do for you helps you advance through the hiring process. This is especially helpful for positions that have a lot of applications and interviews to go through. The software will let you save your favorite candidates so that you can quickly get to them if they’re the right fit for the position. This software tool also let’s you “flag” applications as incomplete so that you can follow up with the candidate later if you need to. This is an important feature for staffing agencies because we often have candidates who apply for jobs but then never show up for the interviews. We’ve all seen the emails in our inboxes that come one day and then nothing the next. Some candidates may not even return the phone calls because they don’t know how to put together an application or they simply don’t want to do the work. You can thank this software for missing out on the chance to interview that great candidate because they didn’t care to put in the effort to apply.

How to Find the Right Talent with Applicant Tracking Software

Speaking of applications, we can’t leave candidate tracking out of the discussion. If you use an applicant tracking software, you can save all of the applications that you receive for each position that you manage. This way, you’ll always be able to get back to the applications that you want to hire for quickly. You can also use applicant tracking software to flag candidates as “for hire” so that you can continue to follow-up with them. This allows you to save candidates who you want to hire but aren’t quite ready to make a hire yet. When you’re dealing with thousands of applications and resumes, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Luckily, applicant tracking software has a “flag” feature that you can use to “tag” applications as complete so that you can get back to them soon. This software also lets you save your favorite applications so that you can quickly find them if you have questions about their suitability for a position.

Side Benefits of Using Applicant Tracking Software

Besides the obvious benefits that we mentioned above, here are some other things that applicant tracking software can do for you: It helps you stay organized. With so much paper involved with hiring, it’s impossible to keep track of everyone who applies for a position. Application forms are paper-based, and resumes are often messy. With applicant tracking software, you’ll have an organized way to track down all of your candidates. It expedites the hiring process. With the use of applicant tracking software, you can speed up the hiring process by having all the information at your fingertips. Your hiring manager can use this software to view your applicant pool and make decisions more efficiently. It streamlines the hiring process. Having candidate tracking software can also help you with the hiring process. You can save all of your favorite photos, videos, and documents so that you don’t have to spend the time looking for them again. This way, you’ll have a quicker turnaround on hiring decisions.

Bottom line

The use of applicant tracking software by staffing agencies is on the rise. This kind of software helps the hiring manager keep tabs on all applicants for a single position by tracking their eligibility, level of interest, and even whether or not they’re willing to work for below-market wages.