Kosher Salt Vs Himalayan Sea Salt

Can you imagine that your daily food does not contain salt? Salt is an essential ingredient in the preparation of sweet and savory foods.

But wait, how can you tell the difference between Himalayan & Kosher Salts on the market? All salts and two important salts used in almost every household around the world. Do. These salts are Himalayan pink salt and kosher salt. read about also : Surgical Forceps

This article explains the difference between Himalayan salt and kosher salt and which salt is better for different purposes. let’s begin.

What is kosher salt?

Kosher salt has many grains of salt that do not contain moisture such as air. Hard salts are usually presented in two forms:

  • Evaporation of seawater
  • Underground rock deposits

Due to the extraction process, there is no strong salty taste and it has a mild taste compared to regular salt. Also, sea salt does not contain iodine or other preservatives.

You’ll love its unique name. In fact, this is because of how the Jews painted animals to protect their bodies. Since kosher salt is shiny, it can easily damage the skin.

In addition to cooking meat, chefs around the world use paprika in a variety of vegetables, meats, pastas, and other foods.

Kosher sodium salt?

Another interesting aspect of kosher salt is its weight. One teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate contains less sodium than common salt. Also, sea salt contains less sodium than table salt. One teaspoon of table salt contains about 1,800 mg of sodium, and regular salt contains 2,300 mg of sodium.

There are several types of kosher salt.

There are two types of kosher salt on the market: hard and fine. No matter what kind of kosher salt you use, it will not dissolve in water like other types of salt. The unique properties of kosher salt crystals make them ideal for cooking meat.

What is Himalayan rock salt?

Himalayan salt, also known as pink salt, is found in the Kewra mines in the Punjab province of Pakistan. These salts formed when the oceans dried up 300 million years ago. The Keura salt mine is the largest salt mine in the world.

Pink Himalayan salt has gained popularity in recent years due to its natural properties and 84 minerals that our bodies need to function. Other minerals are iron, potassium, magnesium and calcium. There is. Due to the effect of iron oxide, the salt acquires a pink color.

What is the difference between Himalayan salt and kosher salt?


Both salts are naturally occurring minerals, but they are obtained from different sources. Himalayan pink salt comes from underground rock salt in Pakistan. Pink salt is obtained by the traditional method.

Kosher salt is obtained by evaporating salt deposits and seawater. Sunlight causes seawater to evaporate, leaving tiny sodium chloride crystals behind.


In addition, many manufacturers add iodine to sea salt. However, Himalayan salt does not contain any other chemicals or additives. Also, Himalayan salt already contains traces of iodine, so there is no need to add iodine to the salt.


The most noticeable difference between kosher salt and Himalayan salt is their color. Kosher salt is pure white, while Himalayan salt has bright pink salt crystals.


Himalayan salt is obtained in the form of rocks and then broken into different sized particles. Pink salt crystals are fine, dense and very durable.

Kosher salt crystals are larger and more compact than other salts. White crystals have a coarse structure.


Let’s talk about the taste of these two salts. Kosher salt provides the clean, unique taste of less harsh salt. However, due to the presence of other minerals, Himalayan salt offers a complex flavor and is a very mild salt on the palate.

Nutritional Profile

If we compare the nutritional value of the two salts, table salt is only sodium chloride and contains no other minerals. It contains important minerals.


Kosher salt is used in meat marinades and seasonings. Its softness makes it ideal for marinating meat and vegetables before cooking or grilling. Many chefs love their giant crystals. Its large size makes it easy to carry and spread evenly over food.

Himalayan & kosher salts has different uses. Himalayan table salt is used to season food. Himalayan salt can be used medicinally in the form of salt lamps and bath salts.