Are you worried about skin tags and wondering how to get rid of them? Let us take you through the details about skin tags and answer some of your questions, such as what are skin moles or tags, how and why they appear on your skin, and whether they are cancerous.  

Skin tags are those unsightly, benign growths that can form everywhere on the body, but they most frequently appear on the neck and arm regions. Even though they usually do not hurt, they are annoying, and chances are, if you have one, you wish it would go away. 

What Causes Skin Tags?

What precisely causes skin tags to develop is unknown. Friction may be involved because it typically manifests in skin creases. We know that they are composed of collagen and blood vessels encased in an outer layer of skin.

Multiple skin tags were linked to insulin resistance, a high body mass index, and high triglycerides, according to a 2010 study.

Another typical adverse effect of pregnancy is skin tags. Weight gain and pregnancy hormones may be to blame for this. Rarely, having multiple skin tags may indicate an endocrine disorder or hormonal imbalance.

There might also be a genetic link. Multiple family members having them is not unusual. Skin tags, however, are not communicable.

Do Home Remedies Work?

Do home remedies work? Just know that skin tags typically don’t need to be treated or seen by a doctor. If you want to do away with a tag, you can do it with items you already have in your kitchen. Most DIY treatments call for drying out the skin tag until it reduces in size and disappears.

Some items, such as banana peel, vitamin E, tea tree oil, garlic, and apple cider vinegar, will be able to help you remove the mole, as some of them have antiviral, antifungal, and antioxidant properties. 

It’s vital to remember that these natural therapies will never work as quickly as surgery. Never attempt to remove a skin tag yourself, as this can soon lead to bleeding and infection. Consult with a medical expert for skin tag therapy. 

Tag removal is a simple surgery a doctor does in their office or an outpatient hospital center. The surgery is performed in two ways which are surgical excision and surgical shaving.

In surgical excision, the doctor will cut out the mole and some healthy skin around it after numbing the area, and then will stitch the skin to close it.

On the other hand, the surgical shave is usually done on tiny tags. A small blade is used to shave off the tag from the numb area, and stitches are not generally required.

How Do You Know If A Mole Is Cancerous?

Skin tags are not cancerous, unlike other moles that may form on your body.

Skin tags can, however, be mistaken for other abnormalities that could be malignant. In the end, your doctor will decide if this is the case.

It’s possible to confuse a cancerous development for a skin tag. Skin malignancies can grow big, frequently bleed, and ulcerate, while skin tags typically remain small. A doctor should examine any growth that bleeds or has a pattern of varied colors.

Know When To Pay A Visit To A Doctor?

If you want to eliminate a mole that is bothering you, visit a dermatologist. If any moles have altered, which could indicate skin cancer, make sure to arrange a checkup. A little bit of the mole can be removed by the doctor during a biopsy in order to be examined under a microscope to determine whether it is cancer.

Aftercare Tips

Skin tag removal typically doesn’t result in infections or other consequences. Some people experience post-removal scarring, which may eventually fade. Apply antibiotic cream to the area where you removed the skin tag at home, then bandage it up like you would a wound. If the region bleeds or gets uncomfortable, consult a doctor.

Your doctor may advise keeping the wound dry for at least 48 hours after a procedure to remove a skin tag before gently cleaning the area with soap and water.

Additionally, your doctor might arrange a follow-up visit to examine the wound and remove any stitches that might have been required.

The Bottom Line

Developing a skin tag at any stage of life is common and happens to many of us. The good news is that it is treatable, and you don’t have to live with it throughout your life. Although home remedies and over-the-counter medicines may help you eliminate them, visiting a skin tag removal clinic and seeking professional advice is recommended.