Hearing loss is a more common problem than you think. Aside from genetics, the most prevalent cause of hearing loss is exposure to loud noises. Loud noise can be extremely harmful to your hearing, whether it’s through years of exposure or a loud burst. 

Don’t put off taking care of your hearing because it can be late! If you notice that you have begun to experience hearing loss, it’s time to visit the audiologist and, if needed, look for the best hearing aids for you. You can start by going online and searching for Phonak hearing aids near me or any other popular brand to find the right hearing solution.

Once your hearing is damaged, there is no way to fix it, and the condition may worsen. That’s why you need to learn how to protect the health of your ears properly. We can’t fight against natural causes (genetics and age), but we can certainly take precautionary measures to preserve our ears. While there are numerous strategies to prevent hearing loss, we’d like to highlight four ways to protect your ears’ health.

Protect Your Ears With Earplugs 

Sounds are measured in decibels, and those that exceed 85 dB can permanently damage your ears. Most people have experienced or will experience a loud leisure or work environment that can cause hearing loss. For example, fireworks, concerts, clubs, chainsaws, lawnmowers, and other noises that force you to shout to the person next to you create dangerous sound levels. Earplugs are the solution in these situations. 

In loud situations, you should always wear hearing protection. Earplugs are affordable and easy to find in drug stores. Your local hearing healthcare provider can even custom fit a pair for your ears. In addition, reusable earplugs are available that allow you to enjoy your favorite activities while protecting you from harmful sounds and reducing noise levels. 

Stop Using Cotton Swabs

People frequently use cotton swabs to remove wax from their ear canals, but this is not the recommended practice by most audiologists. A small amount of wax in your ears is normal and also necessary. As self-cleaning organs, the ears need the wax to keep dust and other potentially hazardous particles out of the canal. Furthermore, placing anything into your ear canals risks injuring your eardrum.

If you have excess wax buildup, gently clean the canal with a wet towel. You could also apply an ear wax removal remedy to soften the wax, allowing it to flow out on its own. However, if you still think you have an excessive amount of ear wax that you want to remove, it’s advisable to seek professional help for cleaning.

Keep Your Ears Dry

Bacteria can enter and grow in the ear canal if there is too much moisture. When water is trapped in the ears, it can cause an infection in the outer ear, often known as swimmer’s ear. Ear infections can impair your hearing, so after swimming or showering, carefully towel-dry your ears. If you feel the water in your ear, bend your head to the side and gently pull on the ear lobe to coax it out. 

You can also keep your ears healthy and dry by wearing swimming earplugs, which prevent water from entering the ear canal. They’re fantastic solutions for both children and adults, and they help prevent ear infections. In any case, avoid swimming in dirty water. Dry your ears properly after each swimming and bathing to prevent early hearing loss issues. 

Lower the Volume

Many people are in danger of noise-induced hearing loss due to the improper use of audio gadgets. If you listen to music, videos, or podcasts using earbuds or headphones, use the 60/60 rule to protect your ears. The recommendation is to listen to music at no more than 60% volume for no more than an hour per day. By practicing this, you will protect your hearing from damage.

Earbuds are particularly damaging for your ears since they fit next to the eardrum. When possible, choose over-the-ear headphones. Whether played through earbuds or speakers, any loud music can cause noise-induced hearing loss. If you’re having a social gathering, don’t forget to keep your music at a volume that doesn’t require people to shout so they can hear themselves. 

Wrapping up 

Taking proper care of your ear health is crucial for preserving your hearing. Unfortunately, people usually are unaware that they are putting too much stress on their ears until it is too late. However, following our tips will put you on the right track to maintaining your hearing and having healthy ears. To stay on top of your ear health, you should also schedule frequent check-ups with your primary care physician.