Traditional Braces

Has your orthodontist told you that your teeth are crooked? If so, you’ll likely get faced with two treatment options: traditional braces vs Invisalign.

Those are the leading tools for straightening teeth. However, many people question the Invisalign vs braces effectiveness. Which one is best for you?

Keep reading to learn all the pros and cons that both treatments have to offer.


Invisalign uses customized clear aligners made from plastic to straighten your teeth. A 3D scan of your mouth allows orthodontists to create each aligner tray.

But how does Invisalign work? Well, every so often, patients receive tighter trays. Throughout the process, the aligners shift your teeth into line.

The Pros

There are several perks associated with Invisalign. One of the biggest is that they look much better. Because they’re clear, you don’t have to worry about awkward esthetics.

Does Invisalign hurt? Surprisingly, they’re comfortable because they’re made to fit perfectly in your mouth. They can also get removed for meals or brushing your teeth.

And, last but not least, wearing Invisalign leads to fewer visits to the orthodontist. Your trays only get updated every 2 to 3 months.

The Cons

Invisalign has some cons, too. First of all, you must remember to put them back in after brushing for effective treatment!

But, they can also get expensive due to the technology required to create them. Plus, Invisalign can’t treat every orthodontic problem.

Traditional Braces

Traditional braces are made from silver-colored metal. A combination of wire, metal brackets, and rubber bands helps your teeth shift into place. The brackets get bonded to your teeth, so they’re semi-permanent until treatment is over.

The Pros

Braces are fun because they’re customizable. You can choose different colored bands during each orthodontic visit!

They’re also best for achieving a perfect result. Traditional braces can treat any orthodontic problem, no matter how severe, so you’re guaranteed a beautiful smile. And, surprisingly, they fix alignment problems pretty quickly.

The Cons

There are some cons, though. The most significant one is that the metal look isn’t for everyone.

Due to the bonded metal components, brushing with braces can also be a challenge. And if those components get loose, they might scratch or poke the inside of your mouth — ouch!

Traditional Braces vs Invisalign: Which One?

Now that you know about the traditional braces vs Invisalign pros and cons, you may have questions like:

  • Do I need braces?
  • Which treatment is better?
  • Can I get Invisalign?

The truth is, it all depends on the severity of your orthodontic conditions. If you don’t require intensive treatment, Invisalign could be the right solution. However, for more advanced problems, traditional braces might be your only choice.

You can’t forget about the costs, either. Both treatments are pricy, but Invisalign often gets more expensive.

Discuss Your Options With Your Orthodontist

The choice between traditional braces vs Invisalign comes down to your orthodontist. They’re both effective, but they both have drawbacks, too. To determine which treatment is best for you, discuss your options with them first.

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