For each mission in an escape room, you need a different set of skills. Make sure your team has a wide range of creative individuals so that you can cover all your bases. Here is a list of the kinds of people every good escape room team needs.

However, here’s a pro tip. Make sure to choose the best escape room near by as you don’t want to fall victim of any fraudster. Go on Google and search for the escape rooms near you that has the most positive review. It’s very important to choose the perfect escape room location to ensure everyone has a good time! Now, lets get to the special individuals you’ll be needing on your team.


Oh, Captain, my Captain! Every good group needs a leader who doesn’t back down. Someone who can help settle arguments that waste time and help their teammates when they need more hands. Most of the time, the leader is chosen, either on purpose or out of habit, and others follow the leader’s suggestions with little to no argument. The leader doesn’t focus on just one puzzle, though. He or she often runs around the room to check on the rest of the team and keep them motivated at all cost


This is the person you should call if you can’t find the TV remote and need help. This person is the one who runs into the room every three seconds and yells, “I found something!” These people are good observers and they can keep the team enthusiastic. They also usually have keys and know where to find clues. They will also sometimes act as a messenger, passing their new clues between team members to see if they can help solve any active clues.


The group’s smartest person This player is usually good at figuring out puzzles. People often call them the smart ones, and being the one to figure out the puzzle’s code gives them the most pleasure. But thinkers have a really bad habit: they like to work on one puzzle until it’s solved, and they hate when they have to stop working on one puzzle to try to solve another. In the worst case, this can make the Thinker the one person who spends half the game alone in a corner working on a single puzzle.


What else can we say about the Leaper? Every group either has one or needs one. The Leaper is the one person on the team who chooses to ignore clues and make huge leaps in logic when trying to solve a problem. The Leaper shows that there is no such thing as a dumb idea, as the old saying goes. They’ll jump to strange and hard-to-understand conclusions that are often wrong. But if the thinker gets stuck, it’s up to the leaper to try to come up with new, outside-the-box ideas for the challenger to use. When time is running out and everyone else is getting worried, the jumper is always there with a different plan.


Do you have to look through a lot of books to find what you want in an encyclopedia? No problem! Puzzle pieces in a bag? No problem! Other puzzles that use this method No problem! This hard worker doesn’t get annoyed by tedious tasks and can finish the busy work on puzzles that have already been “solved” while the rest of the team moves on to other tasks!


The challenger works with the thinker and the leaper and helps them stay grounded as they come up with ideas. Simply put, the challenger questions the thinker and the leaper’s ideas in order to help them come up with solutions that make sense. The challenger’s job is not to shoot down ideas but to rank them by how likely they are to work. They are the ones who say things like, “We could try that, but first let’s try this instead and see if it works.” They also help the leaper turn their crazy idea into a reasonable one by walking them through their thought process and making them think more deeply about certain ideas.

If the team is a factory that makes ideas, the challenger’s job is to make sure the ideas are good. By the way, is your challenger truely up to a challenge? Let’s put him/her and your team in the BrainxCape scary escape room to see how prepare you guys actually are.


Overall, you won’t have to worry about that weird tension because the people who go to escape rooms are friendly and easygoing. The idea behind the escape game draws is to keep people interested in a way that doesn’t make them feel awkward around other people. When people feel like time is running out in a game, they naturally put aside their differences and want to work together to reach their goal. Moreover, when roles are assigned and everybody knows their job, escaping becomes a bit less difficult.