Paper Towels Are More Sanitary Than Electric Hand Dryers

Paper towels are more effective at removing bacteria from hands than electric hand dryers, according to a study published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology. In the study, researchers compared the number of bacteria remaining on hands after they were washed and dried using either paper towels or an electric hand dryer. They found that paper towels removed significantly more bacteria from hands than the hand dryer.

The researchers believe that this is because paper hand towels absorb water more effectively than hand dryers. This means that bacteria are less likely to remain on their hands after they’ve been dried with a paper towel.

Paper Towels Are Faster Than Electric Hand Dryers

In addition to being more sanitary, paper towels are also faster than electric hand dryers. A study published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology found that it takes an average of 30 seconds to dry hands with a paper towel, compared to 45 seconds with an electric hand dryer.

This is likely because paper towels absorb water more effectively than electric hand dryers. As a result, hands are dried more quickly when they’re dried with a paper towel.

Paper Towels Are More Environmentally Friendly Than Electric Hand Dryers

Paper towels are also more environmentally friendly than electric hand dryers. This is because they require less energy to produce and generate less waste.

A study published in the Journal of Cleaner Production found that the production of paper towels generates 50% less greenhouse gas emissions than the production of electric hand dryers. The study also found that paper towels generate 96% less waste than electric hand dryers.

Paper Towels Are More Cost-Effective Than Electric Hand Dryers

In addition to being more sanitary, faster, and more environmentally friendly, paper towels are also more cost-effective than electric hand dryers. A study published in the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment found that paper towels are significantly cheaper to use than electric hand dryers.

The study found that the cost of using paper towels is $0.034 per 1,000 uses, compared to $0.045 per 1,000 uses for electric hand dryers. This means that paper towels are more than 20% cheaper to use than electric hand dryers.


Paper towels are the clear winner when it comes to hand drying. They’re more sanitary, faster, more environmentally friendly, and more cost-effective than electric hand dryers. So next time you’re in a public restroom, reach for the paper towel dispenser instead of the hand dryer. Your hands will thank you for it.