Why Your Instagram Engagement has Suddenly Dropped Off

 Why have my followers dropped on Instagram all of a sudden? It is the question that we are asked the most lately in the blog’s comments section. As we see that it is a reasonably frequent question among our readers, we will try to explain in this article why this happens. Indeed you have seen or heard these days the news that Instagram has already exceeded 300 million users and is positioned as the second social network, surpassing even Twitter. You may be wondering, what does this have to do with your problem with followers? Well, it has a lot to do with Instagram likes.

The main reason for the sudden loss of Instagram followers:

  • The sudden drop in your number of followers is due to all the false or inactive user accounts that Instagram has eliminated in the last months. They have decided to cut their losses, reviewing all accounts suspected of being false and those with publications that violate their Community Standards, to eliminate them permanently. To increase followers, go to this website.
  • The message that Instagram showed in its application is in the “Followed ” tab of the activity section. The volume of SPAM, fake accounts and inactive accounts were such that any user could be affected. The sudden drop in followers has involved hundreds of thousands of followers and profiles with less than 1000 followers.
  • As reported from their help centre, it was precisely in April 2014 when most of the false accounts were eliminated – at that time. We had already begun to receive comments from people – and they claim that by the end of the year, Instagram is a spam-free social network.

Will this affect the number of likes and comments on my photos?

This drop-in number of followers should not affect the number of likes or comments but can be raised by visiting buzzvoice to buy Instagram likes. Not even at the level of participation of your publications.

Remember that 99% of the deleted accounts are false or inactive accounts that did not generate any interaction. That is, it is most likely that you did not have any Likes or comments from these users.

How do I know that the followers they have deleted are fake?

Indeed there is no way to know, especially if you have thousands of followers.

What is clear is that before eliminating them, Instagram has made sure – either through Captcha tests or with SMS verification – that those accounts suspected of being false had not been created by people. It would be best to keep in mind that some deleted followers may not be fake; in that case, their accounts will have been deleted due to inactivity—possibly abandoned profiles for more than a year.

And what if I have bought followers?

If you have bought followers, we can assure you that they are not real. And indeed, you end up losing them sooner rather than later. People or companies that sell a pack of followers for Instagram use bots to create thousands of fake accounts automatically and then sell them as if they were real followers. In short, you should not worry that your followers on Instagram have dropped suddenly. You already know that they are fake followers or have abandoned their profiles—followers who did not contribute anything and whose loss will not influence your profile’s interactions. It is natural. All social networks have suffered from the same problem and have acted accordingly. Instagram is cleaning its platform thoroughly, which will ultimately benefit all of us who are passionate about this social network.