
Having the right nutrients is important always, but getting sufficient nutrients is especially pertinent before and during pregnancy.

The lack of nutrient deficiency has grave implications for the health of women, and their baby.

While babies most often can get their nutrition, as the body prioritizes the health of the baby over that of the mother, you then are left with deficiency diseases and subsequent problems.

Moreover, deficiency of certain nutrients can also lead to diseases like spina bifida in the baby. Hence, before getting pregnant, all women should visit their Gynecologist in Lahore to get information about what specific vitamins they need.

Some of these you can get from your diet, but most of people still need supplements for the required daily quota.

Whereas all nutrients hold importance for the body, some are especially important for the pregnant women. These include:


Calcium is needed by the body to make baby’s bones. Moreover, sufficient calcium also helps in averting the risk of hypertension and preeclampsia in pregnant women.

If pregnant women do not take sufficient calcium, then it gets leached out of their bones and teeth to fulfill the requirement of the baby. What follows are deficiency-related aches and pains in the body.

It is recommended that they take 1000 mg of calcium per day.

Folic acid

The most salient one perhaps is folic acid, and it needs to be taken before pregnancy especially. Hailing from the B-group vitamins, folic acid is required for to make red blood cells.

It also helps in the formation of the baby’s nervous system, namely brain and spinal cord. It is also needed for the formation of skull. Insufficient folic acid leads to neural tube defect in the baby, including spina bifida. Lack of sufficient folic acid also leads to folate deficiency anemia in the mother.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega 3- fatty acids, especially DHA, are helpful during pregnancy. DHA is required for the brain development of the baby. DHA is found in fatty fish but be sure to take the one with low levels of mercury, like salmon and cod, as mercury is harmful for the baby.


Also known as vitamin B56, this vitamin is required by the body to store energy from protein and carbohydrates. During pregnancy, women need more energy as making a baby is tedious, hence this vitamin is important.

Moreover, vitamin B6 also helps in the formation of hemoglobin. Since it helps in the transport of oxygen around the body, it is vital that there be enough hemoglobin.

Many women suffer from morning sickness, which can cause extreme stress. This vitamin is also helpful in curbing nausea and vomiting.

Vitamin D

For to enable the absorption of calcium, your body needs adequate vitamin D. It also helps in the bone formation of the baby as well. Sunlight serves as an excellent source of vitamin D.

However, many women live in areas with long and dreary winters. They might not have sufficient sunlight as a result. In such cases, dietary sources of vitamin D like eggs are helpful. Some women might still need to take supplements as well.


Iron plays an important role in carrying oxygen around the body. Lack of iron leads to iron deficiency anemia. It also causes breathlessness, fatigue, and lethargy. Extreme deficiency might also cause women to faint as well.

Moreover, iron is also required for to carry oxygen to the fetus, to enable the growth of the baby.

Since our body can absorb a limited amount of iron through oral sources, therefore, it is suggested that you also get your iron levels checked at a prenatal consultation with your Best Gynecologist in Karachi. If need be, they might prescribe supplements. For extreme deficiency, women may get intravenous iron, for faster and better absorption.