Scalp Facial
guide to DIY Scalp Facial

Scalp facial is a beauty treatment for the scalp. It is often mistaken as a hair treatment, but it actually involves cleansing the scalp of oils and dirt, removing dandruff, and making the skin healthy by providing vitamins and nutrients. This article will discuss important steps of DIY Scalp facial which offers incredible benefits.

What is Scalp Facial?

A scalp facial is a technique in which an individual massages their own oil or butter into the top of their head so that it can eventually work its way down to the skin.

This may be done with any type of natural product, including olive oil, coconut oil, almond milk and essential oils. It typically takes about five minutes for this process to take effect. Some people also report seeing some significant hair growth as well after they have completed several scalp facials without taking anything else into consideration such as using shampooing products or conditioners on other parts of their body…

Pretreatment masks

In order to properly treat your scalp, you should start with an appropriate scalp mask, oil, or scrub. Have you ever had a scratchy scalp? There is a chance that you are dealing with dandruff or congestion and that you need a treatment suited to that need. If you have an oily scalp, try a product that can help you decrease oiliness.

Those seeking a pre-treatment product should consider peppermint, tea tree, and citrus-based oils, which will stimulate and decongest the scalp at the same time and stimulate circulation. In any case, make sure you follow the instructions carefully, and find out if the formula should be applied to dry or wet hair. In order to get the best results from masks and oils, Hill recommends sleeping over your scalp prior to application.

I also found a medical spa based scalp facial at this post so if you can afford then you can try this. However if you prefer to do it at home then follow the below steps.

Cleanse hair

The first step is to rinse your hair with water and dry it using a towel. Then, apply shampoo all over the scalp in order to cleanse oils from the skin’s surface. Massage for at least two minutes as this will increase blood flow which can lead to better hair growth. Rinse off after massaging and repeat until you feel like there are no more suds on your scalp or if you have rinsed five times already without any soap left behind. After washing out the soap, massage again so that dirt gets removed along with excess oil on the scalp area of the head where pores open up when we sweat during exercise or generate oil by digestion process because our body needs cooling down these areas but not every part of the scalp.

Apply Conditioner

The second step is to apply a conditioner on the hair and leave it for at least five minutes so that it can penetrate deep into the skin’s surface. Leave-in products are not recommended as they work better when left overnight, but if you have them then use these instead of your regular shampoo in order to maintain hydration and moisture balance for naturally dry scalps. Rinse off with water after applying this treatment by either massaging or using lukewarm water only as hot could lead to damage of the follicle cells which will cause more problems later on such as dandruff from sebum overproduction because the pore wasn’t cleansed properly earlier on during step one, having oily hair again due to lack of nutrients in the scalp, and having an itchy scalp due to a dry scalps because your hair wasn’t given enough time for deep conditioning.

Apply Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

The third step is to apply diluted apple cider vinegar on top of the conditioner that was left behind during step two. This will help with itchiness or flaking dandruff which were both caused from lack of hydration earlier on. Rinse off after five minutes unless you are applying another leave-in treatment then rinse out as soon as this second product has been applied all over the head. Repeat steps one, two, and three at least once per week if not more depending how often there’s a need for cleansing (sometimes twice every day is needed) but never do any sort  of treatment more than once a day.