The Benefits of CBT Therapy - How It Can Improve Your Mental Health

CBT is based on the idea that your thoughts, feelings and behaviors are linked. Inaccurate or negative perceptions or thoughts can contribute to emotional distress and unhelpful or harmful behaviors.

Skilled CBT practitioners help you identify these unhelpful thoughts and teach you to question them. You also learn to replace them with more positive, helpful and realistic ones.


Cognitive behavioral therapy can help people with depression by assisting them to change the negative thoughts and feelings that can cause their depression. During CBT, patients learn to recognize when their beliefs are irrational and unfair to themselves, which can help them escape their depressive cycle. This treatment also helps people learn new ways to cope with difficult situations and develop self-confidence.

During sessions, a psychologist will typically ask clients about their life experiences and how they feel about them. They’ll then analyze this information and determine how a person’s negative beliefs can influence emotions and behaviors. The therapist will then challenge these negative beliefs and teach them new, more balanced ones.

For example, a patient might be taught techniques like pleasant activity scheduling, which involves planning activities that produce pleasure and a sense of accomplishment, such as a social event or completing a household chore. They’ll then be asked to rate their feelings after each activity to see how the positive behaviors are helping them feel better.

CBT is available in various settings, including one-on-one sessions with a psychologist, group therapy and online resources. Often, these treatments will be combined with medication for the best results. Whether you receive these therapies from a professional or on your own, it’s important to practice them regularly to get the most benefit.


Anxiety can be a debilitating mental illness. Anxiety can affect people of any age and lead to feelings of fear, sadness, low energy and self-harming thoughts.

Cognitive behavioral therapy in NYC for anxiety can help you learn to recognize distorted thoughts and replace them with realistic ones. It can also teach you coping skills like breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques. The goal is to learn to manage your symptoms and live your life fully.

Therapists who offer CBT usually spend six to 10 sessions with their clients. They may provide ‘homework’ between sessions and encourage the client to try out new behaviors in real-life situations. They will also work with the client to create a plan to deal with problems that trigger their anxiety in the future.

Several types of CBT for anxiety include exposure and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). During exposure therapy, the therapist exposes the patient to things that cause them stress at a pace they are comfortable with. This can happen in real life, in their imagination, or using virtual reality tools. DBT is particularly effective for people with borderline personality disorder and eating disorders, and it can be combined with CBT for anxiety. Other forms of CBT include thought challenge and acceptance therapy.


The therapist can help you identify the beliefs and behaviors perpetuating addiction. They will also work with you to develop healthier coping mechanisms. They will teach you new skills during sessions and in between. Unlike other therapeutic methods, CBT focuses on changing thoughts and behaviors. It can take a long time to see significant improvements. This is because it takes a great deal of effort on your part. Regular attendance and implementing the skills in your daily life are essential.

Another  benefit of CBT is that it teaches you how to recognize unhelpful thoughts and replace them with helpful ones. It can be difficult to do this alone, so finding a therapist with whom you feel comfortable working is important.

In addition to teaching you the skills, a therapist will use motivational interventions to address the ambivalence associated with addictions. They will also teach you relapse prevention strategies to keep symptoms from reappearing after treatment. Research has shown CBT is more effective than general drug counseling or treatment-as-usual. However, it is not uncommon for some of the benefits to dissipate after treatment ends. This is not necessarily a sign that it was ineffective, but more likely indicates that the individual needs additional support to maintain changes after therapy ends.


CBT is based on the concept that thoughts, emotions and behaviors can all influence one another. It helps them identify the unhelpful feelings, thoughts and beliefs that could be contributing to their problem. They can then work out ways to change them to improve their mental well-being.

Some people may be worried about the CBT sessions or uncomfortable sharing their problems with strangers. Finding a therapist that is right for you can be difficult. It would be best to have a therapist with whom you can easily communicate to get the most from your sessions.

Your therapist will ask that you describe your problems at the start of your treatment and list your most distressing symptoms. Assessments and questionnaires will measure your progress.

Your therapist will teach you techniques to reduce symptoms. They could include grounding and relaxation exercises such as deep breathing or meditation.

 They might also use exposure therapy, which involves gradually exposing you to your fears and phobias while providing support to manage any anxiety that arises. Try behavioral experiments, such as learning to predict the outcome of a feared event and then checking in with your therapist to see how you did.

You’ll likely be given homework between sessions to help you practice the skills that you learn in your sessions. For example, if you’re using CBT to tackle insomnia, your therapist might instruct you in guided hypnosis or sleep hygiene.