oral care

An individual’s oral hygiene is primarily defined by wearing a smile. If one has poor oral hygiene, they might attract unwanted remarks and lose their confidence. Practising proper oral hygiene is essential for a healthy lifestyle.

In Australia, roughly 48% of children get oral cavities even before they reach the age of 5. 1 in 25 adult Aussies have nearly no natural teeth left, and 4 out of 10 people avoid visiting their dentists due to fear of getting their tooth extracted or because of the notion that dental hygiene is expensive. Many services like Invisalign in Sydney and other areas encourage more people to avail of dental care.

Oral hygiene is a crucial factor in overall immunity. With the pandemic still looming, it is vital to know that the COVID-19 virus primarily spreads through oral contact, aerosol droplets, and physical contact with contaminated surfaces. This urgency is reinforced by the fact that only less than 11% of Aussies have had no experience with tooth decay–the rest, 89% of Australians, have had some dental problem!

What is oral care?

Oral hygiene is an umbrella term that includes procedures and lifestyle practices that work to keep the mouth, teeth, gums and tongue free from germs. Oral care is necessary because human beings are social animals who understand and function through verbal communication. What’s more? The survival needs like hunger and social support are met through oral practices only. There are several steps to follow to preserve good oral hygiene:

  • Experts suggest that an individual must brush their teeth at least twice a day with flavour free, chemical-free toothpaste. Brushing must be done in a cyclical motion to massage the gums in the process.
  • Flossing is a critical practice to avoid plaque buildup within the teeth. Flossing regularly (at least once a day) is necessary.
  • Mouthwash is an add-on and can be used twice a day. Experts suggest that too much mouthwash might alter the pH of the saliva, which leads to other complications.
  • Exercising the jaw and teeth also plays an important role. Earlier, antecedents had fibrous foods that called for a lot of chewing and mastication. Now, lifestyle changes, soft food has reduced the need for breaking down food. This has altered jaw size, and experts believe that this could cause poorly aligned teeth.

Many services like Invisalign in Sydney have been working towards teeth alignment correction to restore people’s confidence in their smiles. Many more options than traditional braces are invisible and easily removable braces that allow alignment correction.

However, along with braces, one needs to change their dietary plan to fix the jaw shape for better teeth spacing and alignment.

Regular visits to the dentist are the most crucial point in preserving oral hygiene. But there are numbing gels and creams available in the market that make the process of tooth extraction painless! Many doctors in Sydney and Queensland offer high-quality services at affordable rates as well.

Apart from oral care, there are other cosmetic procedures that can be offered by dentists. Teeth whitening is a popular choice. Another popular cosmetic is veneers. Veneers are similar to how contact lens is to the eyes. They are thin shells that change the colour, shape and size of the teeth. These tools often help to restore an individual’s confidence in their smile.