onal education or certifications. Obtaining a CPR certification is a great idea for almost anyone, but you may also find that your job requires it, depending on the field you’re in. Not only that, but obtaining certification is easier than you might think. If you’re considering seeking training, keep reading to learn why you should become certified in CPR.

Why should you become certified in CPR?


First, it’s important that you understand what exactly CPR is. CPR is short for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is a type of emergency procedure that involves chest compressions and artificial ventilation to attempt to preserve brain function A lot of us have been thinking more about health and safety of late, particularly because of the experience of living through a global pandemic. For many people, the pandemic has also provided time to think about career goals and start pursuing additiuntil further action can be taken when someone is in cardiac arrest. Becoming certified in CPR is easier than you may think, and you can even pursue your CPR certification online. There are a lot of reasons why someone should consider getting certified. Visit our website

The most obvious reason to undertake CPR training is that it’s an essential lifesaving technique that you may need at some point in the future. In an emergency situation, you should always call for help right away, but you may be able to provide aid while waiting for first responders if you’re certified to perform CPR. Research has shown that out-of-hospital cardiac arrests (OHCA) increased during the pandemic and that survival rates fell. If more people have CPR certification, communities may find that they have better health outcomes overall.

If CPR must be performed, it’s usually better if more than one person in the area is familiar with performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, as it can be difficult for one person to complete the process on their own due to frustration or fatigue. You can step in and relieve them of their duties to help until professional help arrives. Ordinary citizens can often save lives when they step in with CPR training at the right time.

What jobs require CPR training?


There are also a number of jobs that require a CPR certificate, and certification can still be useful even if your job doesn’t mandate that you obtain it. The most obvious class of workers that are required to be certified are health care workers. Medical professionals like paramedics, nurses, and doctors are all trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. First responders like police, firefighters, and even lifeguards also need to know CPR. Many health- or emergency-related careers also require additional certifications, which you’re likely to learn more about during your training.

Health care workers and first responders aren’t the only employees who need CPR certification. Child care workers are often also required to be able to perform CPR. Since a child care provider’s goal is to provide safety and protection, being CPR certified is essential. Flight attendants are also required to be trained in CPR in most cases and have to renew that certification regularly in order to remain in good standing with their employer. Even if a job doesn’t require certification, it can be a point in your favor in the application process.

If you’re in the health care industry, many jobs will list CPR certification as a job requirement, but you should consider learning CPR even if your job doesn’t require it. There are many benefits to being knowledgeable about basic first aid, and you never know when those skills can save your life or someone else’s. Considering that you can earn your certification online from the comfort of your own home, there’s no excuse not to complete a CPR certification course. Given how many benefits CPR has and how accessible training is, it might be time for you to take the next step and sign up for an online program to obtain your certification.