sensitive teeth

Wondering whether wisdom teeth are the source of your headaches?

About half of all people have wisdom teeth, which are an extra set of teeth. Despite this, few people ever get wisdom teeth that come in. In fact, you’re more likely to experience problems such as head pain or swelling if they do come in.

Wisdom teeth cause headaches and other issues with your body. Find out what you need to know about wisdom teeth and headaches here!

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that grow in for most people in their late teens or early twenties. Wisdom teeth get their name because they generally come in when someone is “wise” enough to understand the world around them.

These teeth are a vestigial feature of our distant ancestors, who had to grind down their food before swallowing. Some people’s wisdom teeth are healthy and strong. But others have problems with them that can cause wisdom teeth pain and discomfort.

To prevent this, many people go to a dentist for wisdom teeth removal. This is a relatively common and straightforward procedure.

Everyone’s wisdom teeth experience can be different. So it’s vital to track their progress and be aware of any symptoms that may indicate a problem.

How Do Wisdom Teeth Cause Headaches?

As the wisdom teeth erupt, they press against the nerves in the skull. This usually causes pain- resulting in headaches.

The pressure caused by erupting wisdom teeth can also affect the sinuses. This leads to inflammation and stress, which causes headaches.

Diagnosing Wisdom Tooth Headache Symptoms

Awareness of the common symptoms of wisdom teeth headaches is essential. Symptoms can include pain at the back of the jaw, difficulty chewing, pain in the face, and headaches.

If these symptoms start to occur around the same time your wisdom teeth grow, see a dentist for a diagnosis. Once suspected, the dentist may order diagnostics tests such as X-rays or CT-Scan. This will help determine if the wisdom teeth are the source of the headache.

Preventing Wisdom Teeth Headaches

Make sure to have an evaluation for your wisdom teeth to ensure proper placement. Practice good oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day. This will help to ensure that bacteria and food particles are adequately removed.

Soft bristle toothbrushes should be used, sugary foods should be limited and plenty of water should be consumed daily – regular trips to your dentist will enable early diagnosis of potential health problems.

Tips for Coping With Wisdom Tooth and Headache Causes

It’s important to keep the area clean and reduce swelling to cope with a wisdom tooth and headache pain. Avoiding excessive gum chewing, grinding of teeth, and teeth clenching can also help.

Over-the-counter painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs can also treat headache pain. If the pain persists, visit the dentist for a professional opinion.

Wisdom Teeth and Headaches

From genetics to wisdom teeth removal, it’s crucial to understand how wisdom teeth cause headaches. Stay informed and healthy. Take the initiative to learn more and consult a professional when needed.

Ask your local dentist for advice and get the support you need to reduce headaches. Always ensure your teeth and jaw are in proper alignment.

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