Launching your own ecommerce Shopify business can be a huge accomplishment, however things may not simply go well just because you have quality products. No matter how good your products are, you still need to drive traffic towards your website otherwise your sales may fall flat. Low organic traffic is a sign that your website may not be having enough reasons to appear in the search results and consequently you may have fewer sales. Fewer visitors obviously lead to fewer sales. 

Moreover, the customer rate is much lower than the visitor rate. This implies that the amount of visitors on your website is generally more than the rate of customers who actually make any purchases. Hence a good visitor rate doesn’t necessarily mean a good sales rate. Becoming an online retailer may require much more than simply gaining visitors. In the first place, if out of every 100 visitors, only 3 tend to make any purchases then your visitor rate must be much higher than that to increase the purchase rate. Many online retailers tend to bring their businesses on Shopify in order to increase their sales. However getting on Shopify isn’t simply enough to get the job done. You may also need to work hard over using proper Shopify SEO and work actively in order to bring more customers to your store. As long as you are able to get more traffic, your chances of customer conversion will naturally increase. 

Ways to Boost your Shopify Website Traffic

Bringing traffic to your Shopify store is dependent upon many factors. There are a number of methods that you can employ in order to get the job done. Do remember that one of the biggest ways to gain good traffic is by enabling proper exposure. This can be done through SEO keywords or social media platforms and so on. The key is consistency and staying active. 

Some of the ways to boost your organic traffic and sales are as follows.

  1. Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for boosting traffic

For you to gain any traffic in general, your potential customers need to know your existence. They can only notice your existence if you appear within their search results. Google Adwords  is another effective method to make your website appear in front of people when they are doing relevant searches. You can also go for pay-per click based advertising. 

However, the cost-free way is definitely using search engine optimization.  This makes your online store easily discoverable. All you have to do is use the proper keywords that are likely to be used by people for searching products that are relevant to your business. For this purpose you may need to thoroughly research SEO and how to use them effectively. Choosing the right keywords is crucial to making your product appear in search results. 

Once you are able to work out the right keywords for your business, the next thing would be to utilize them effectively by placing them in the right places. This may be in titles, descriptions, image tags or many other ways. Using your keywords strategically is important for improving SEO. 

  1. Marketing and Advertising 

Like any normal business, your online business may also require proper marketing in order to attract visitors. You can approach online advertising in different ways. This can be done using advertising tools like pay-per-click or it can be approached in round about ways like Guest Posting. Guest posting is anothing SEO strategy that allows many visitors to reach your site through backlinks. You can actually guest post for sites that are relevant to your niche and provide backlinks to your own website. The more links on your website, the more traffic you may be able to gain and your domain authority will increase as well. This will make search engines like Google more prone to recommend your website in search results. Guest posting is one of the easiest ways to approach potential customers using another website with health traffic. What you need to do is visit blogs that are relevant to your niche and reach out to them regarding guest posting. Reaching out and publishing a few blogs with the backlinks of your Shopify store can build your link profile as well as traffic. 

  1. Featuring other influencers in the same niche

Another method to increase your organic traffic is to write blog posts that feature influencers within the same niche. This is a good way to gain the attention of the audience that is linked with them. It can also serve as a good referral traffic. You can feature your favorite influential blogs and use them to gather prospect traffic. Sometimes, some of them may even end up responding to your content and probably even sharing them on their own social media.  This can also serve as the backlink traffic and can improve your domain authority. This may as well take some time but it is worth the shot. 

  1. Integrating Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms are one of the more important platforms to gain new traffic. Social media should be a proper part of your ad campaign. Your Shopify store should be integrated with your social media platforms in order to reach a wider customer base. One of the most important social media platforms for carrying out businesses nowadays is Instagram. Most of the businesses lately tend to have an instagram of their business where they reach out by posting the pictures of their products and backlinking any audience that may be interested. Instagram has become one of the top most utilized apps for social media marketing. However it has still yet to reach the same level as facebook when it comes to product marketing. 

Instagram and Shopify have also paired up recently in order to make shopping from instagram much more accessible. Facebook business pages with your Shopify store website have nearly the same impact. Using these social platforms can help your target a wider audience and easily appeal to the audience to visit your store. 


There are generally many ways to gain organic traffic towards your online store. However, all of them require a bit of research and knowledge for practical application. Carrying out the right practices at the right timings is crucial for any business. This applies to online stores as well. Raising the visibility of your products is the only way to raise the sales of your products.