Invisalign is a clear plastic braces system that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Many people choose Invisalign because they believe it to be more discreet and aesthetically pleasing than traditional metal braces. Allure Dental offers possible help for TMJ and migraines by installing invisalign, so if you are suffering from pain caused by TMJ, don’t hesitate to contact them. However, there are several disadvantages of Invisalign that should be considered before deciding whether or not to use them. 

1) Invisalign is More Expensive than Traditional Braces

The cost of Invisalign is typically more expensive than traditional braces. This is due to the technology and materials used in the fabrication of Invisalign trays. Additionally, orthodontists who offer Invisalign must first complete an additional certification course.

2) Invisalign may not be Effective for all Types of Bite Problems

Invisalign is not practical for all types of bite problems says this best cosmetic dentistry Tallahassee. It works by using a series of clear plastic trays that apply pressure to your teeth in specific ways to correct the alignment. If you have a severe bite problem, this pressure may not be enough to fix it. It is important to consult with an orthodontist to determine if Invisalign is the best option for you.

3) Invisalign Requires a High Level of Compliance from the Patient

For Invisalign to be effective, the patient must wear the trays consistently. The trays must be worn for at least 22 hours per day and taken out only to eat and brush your teeth. If the patient does not comply with these instructions, the results of Invisalign may be less than optimal.

4) Invisalign can be Challenging to Keep Clean

The Invisalign trays can be challenging to keep clean, as they can trap food and plaque between the teeth. The patient must be diligent in brushing and flossing their teeth and cleaning the trays themselves. Failure to do so may result in an increased risk of cavities and gum disease. It is necessary to brush and floss regularly when wearing Invisalign.

5) Invisalign can Cause Discomfort

The Invisalign trays can cause discomfort as they put pressure on the teeth. Additionally, the trays can irritate the gums. The size and shape of the trays can also be a source of discomfort for some patients. It is fundamental to consult with your orthodontist to ensure that the Invisalign trays fit you well.

6) Invisalign can Cause Temporary Changes in Speech

Some people may experience temporary changes in speech, such as lisping when wearing Invisalign. This is due to the trays changing the position of the teeth. The lisp typically goes away once the person wears the trays.

Do Benefits Outweigh the Disadvantages?

While Invisalign does have some disadvantages, many people feel that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. 

1) Invisalign is more Discreet and Aesthetically Pleasing than Traditional Braces

The fact that they are clear plastic makes them less noticeable on the teeth than metal braces. Additionally, Invisalign does not require the use of brackets or wires, which further adds to their aesthetic appeal.

2) Invisalign can be Removed for Special Occasions

Invisalign can be removed for special occasions, such as weddings or job interviews. This allows you to maintain your professional appearance while still correcting your teeth. And unlike braces, you can remove them yourself without going to the orthodontist.

3) Fewer Potential Problems with Invisalign

There are fewer potential problems with Invisalign than traditional braces. There is a risk of the brackets and wires breaking or coming loose with conventional braces. This can cause discomfort and may even require a trip to the orthodontist to have them repaired or replaced. With Invisalign, there are no brackets or wires to break or come loose, so there is no risk of experiencing these problems.

4) It’s as Effective as Braces

Invisalign is as effective as braces in correcting alignment problems. Many people find that Invisalign works better than traditional braces for certain bite problems. As such, Invisalign can be a good option for those looking for an effective and discreet way to correct their teeth.

Is There A More Affordable Alternative?

If you are looking for a more affordable alternative to Invisalign, you may want to consider traditional braces. Traditional braces are typically less expensive than Invisalign. Additionally, most insurance plans cover the cost of traditional braces, while they may not cover the total cost of Invisalign. 

You can also go with other brands such as Byte, ClearCorrect, Candid, AlignerCo, or Virtuoso, which cost less than Invisalign. Remember that they also have their pros and cons you will want to consider before choosing them. However, no matter what route you choose, you should consult with an orthodontist to see what treatment plan is best for you.

While Invisalign does have some disadvantages, such as being more expensive than traditional braces and the potential for discomfort, many people feel that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. Invisalign is more discreet and aesthetically pleasing than conventional braces. Additionally, it can be removed for special occasions and has fewer potential problems. If you are considering Invisalign, consult with an orthodontist to see if it is the proper treatment.