Most parents will agree that there is no one ultimate parenting guidebook. This is large because each child is different and may require a different approach to achieve desired outcomes. Although there’s no ultimate manual for parenting, parenting strategies have been largely classed into four distinct groups. As a parent, there’s a chance that you’ve adopted at least one of the types of parenting styles in raising your children. As a new or expectant parent, read and learn more about the common parenting styles to know what’s most appropriate for each situation you’re presented with.

The four major parenting styles are;

  • Authoritarian parenting 
  • Authoritative parenting  
  • Permissive parenting 
  • Uninvolved parenting 

Each parenting style takes a different and distinct approach to raise children. Parents may need to introspect to understand who they are before aligning with a specific parenting style. There have been cases where some parents have dabbled between the different styles. Read on to find out what each parenting style is all about.

Authoritarian Parenting 

Authoritarian parents are often synonymous with strict disciplinarians. These parents believe that children should be seen and not heard much from. They often prioritize rules and regulations that may not be bent or compromised irrespective of the situation that presents itself.

Authoritarian parents often rule with a heavy hand, prioritizing alignment with set rules and regulations over their children’s feelings. They are often interested in obedience and submission. They also take pride in children that can do as they are told, without questions.

These parents may do fairly well with kids but may run into trouble with inquisitive or highly intelligent kids. For the most part, these parents also shield their children from problems, thus robbing them of the chance to apply themselves and challenge themselves to be better. 

Children who grow up under this circumstance are more likely to follow the rules without question. On the other hand, they may also become aggressive and hostile with a rebellious streak against authority figures.

Authoritative Parenting 

Authoritative parents are more on the tender side. They rule with a mild hand but consider the feelings and inputs of their children. As a parent, you’re likely in this category if you’re concerned about explaining the reason behind your rules, entertaining questions, and fine-tuning arrangements to consider all parties involved.

This type of parenting focuses more on establishing a healthy relationship with the child. It believes in cause and effect but also understands that situations are not always black and white.

Authoritative parents are also willing to invest their time and energy into helping their children understand situations and solve them together. They set tasks and milestones that share responsibilities and help to establish a stable environment. This type of parenting reinforces good behavior and encourages communication between kids and their parents.

Children who grow up under this leadership are more likely to be vocal, disciplined, happy, and successful. They’ll also have a greater chance of making positive decisions.

Permissive Parenting

This type of parenting tends to favor the child more. The parent sets rules and standards that they hardly maintain or live up to in this setting. Parents with this style also hardly ever punish their children for bad behavior, or they think it’s best not to interfere with a child’s development.

If you’re unsure, answer this question truthfully, “does your child always get their way?” if yes, you’re most likely a permissive parent.

The problem with this type of parenting isn’t communication or expression; it is the lack of boundaries. Children are more likely to see your commands as more of a suggestion. They’re also likely to fail at taking the initiative or tackling problems on their own.

Statistically, children under permissive style parenting often struggle academically and don’t appreciate authority or rules.

Uninvolved Parenting 

As the name suggests, parents in this category are either absent or more interested in providing the basics needed for their children to thrive. Such parents lack awareness of who their children are or what they face. They are uninvolved in their children’s struggles, challenges, or interests.

Children who grow up in this setting are more likely to lack parental attention, although they may do well with rules and regulations. They are also great at masking their feelings and dealing with issues independently because they have been left to do that.

Whether due to career requirements or other reasons, parents in this setting often lack information about their children and may find it hard to connect with them. Their children may perform poorly in school and may be more susceptible to emotional instability.

Parents can assess themselves to see where they fall and what they aspire to do better to improve their relationships.