Due to their numerous benefits, essential oils have become a popular hair product. Suppose you are new to essential oil, and you are wondering if it is safe. Well, the simple answer is yes. Despite the several myths surrounding the use of these oils, they are safe and can be used on all hair types. However, you must be careful in using them due to the strong chemicals they contain.

To further ensure safety, you can do a patch test or visit salon Lofts in Maryland to discover your scalp type. A patch test is particularly important for people with sensitive scalps. This will help you prevent avoidable side effects.

What Are Essential Oils?

Essential oils are plant-based substances that come with a high concentrated aroma. Most times, they are extracted through distillation from stems, seeds, leaves, flowers, roots, and bark. Asides from distillation, essential oils can also be extracted from the desired part of a plant through extruding, filtration, evaporation, and phytolisation.

Essential oils contain ketones, terpenes, esters, and alcohol. This is why they are suitable as hair care products. Essential oils help to fight conditions like dandruff, psoriasis, and irritation because they contain anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial properties.

Importance of Essential Oils for Your Hair

There are different types of essential oils, and each type has its unique benefit to the hair. This is another reason it is important to choose the right essential oil for your exact hair need. Some types of essential oils and their importance are stated below:

  • Rosemary essential oil: Its ability to improve cellular generation makes rosemary essential oil suitable for enhancing hair growth and promoting hair thickness.
  • Cedar oil: If you’re looking for ways to strengthen your hair, then cedar oil is your best option. It helps to increase circulation to the scalp and strengthens the hair follicles as a result.
  • Jojoba oil: This contains vitamins, copper, and zinc; therefore, it is a suitable moisturizer for the hair; it also gives the hair necessary nutrients and prevents hair loss.
  • Sandalwood oil: This is unique for its ability to hydrate the scalp and keep it from being dry. It also gives the hair a scintillating smell.
  • Geranium oil: This prevents dryness by removing excess oil from the scalp. It can also be used to strengthen the hair.
  • Coconut oil: This is another moisturizer for your hair. The hair absorbs it easily, and it also serves as a pre-shampoo treatment.
  • Chamomile oil: Its nerve soothing qualities makes it suitable for nourishing the scalp and hair. It also gives strength to brittle and dry hair, making the hair strong and soft.

How to Choose The Right Essential Oils

With the many essential oils available, choosing the right one for your hair can be a big task. This is why it is important to schedule an appointment with a specialist in the field. However, there are tips to help you select the best choice of essential oil.

  • Scalp type: It is crucial to know your scalp type. This can be done by visiting a specialist or by taking your time to assess it. Your scalp type determines the right essential oil to use.
  • Hair texture: Hair texture is another determinant. As said earlier, coconut oil works best to soften hair; however, chamomile oil helps to strengthen the hair.
  • Weather: The weather is another determinant. During the dry season, it’s crucial to choose an essential oil that can effectively serve as a moisturizer. 
  • Active hair infection: Some essential oils contain chemicals that can irritate the scalp, especially when there’s an infection.

How To Use Essential Oils Safely

Choosing the right essential oil is just as important as using it in a safe way. Using them the right way also guarantees the safety of your hair. Below are the safe ways to use essential oils:

  • Use them sparingly. Essential oils are not to be overused. They contain chemicals and can irritate the scalp if care is not taken. For the same reason, do not apply them directly to your scalp; instead, mix a few drops with your shampoo or conditioner before use.
  • Ensure it’s suitable for you. Some individuals are allergic to certain types of plants. Therefore, it is essential to test the suitability of the essential oil on a small part of your skin to ensure there’s no reaction.
  • Increase seepage of oil. Don’t leave the oil on your hair forever. Cover your hair with a warm towel, and wash it after 30 minutes.

Despite just getting popular, people have been using essential oils for a long time. So in case you are just hearing about them and wondering if it is an innovation that hasn’t stood the test of time, you are wrong. To ensure your safety, make sure you follow the measures stated above.